What does clear liquid vaginal discharge mean?

What does clear liquid vaginal discharge mean?

It’s caused by hormonal changes. If the discharge is watery, it’s most likely normal and not a sign of infection. Clear and watery discharge can increase at any point during your cycle. Estrogen can stimulate the production of more fluids.

What kind of fluid is in the vagina?

Normal vaginal fluids. Vaginal discharge refers to a clear or white fluid produced by the uterus, cervix, or vagina. Most women experience some degree of vaginal discharge. The amount can vary from woman to woman.

What kind of fluid does the cervix produce?

Cervical fluid, sometimes called cervical mucus, is a type of vaginal discharge that changes in quantity and color at different points in a woman’s cycle. Produced by the cervix and regulated by the hormones estrogen and progesterone, this fluid nourishes sperm cells,…

What makes up the discharge from the vagina?

“Vaginal discharge” is the medical term used to describe the fluid that comes out of the vagina. Discharge is a generalized term, and is made up of cells from the cervix and vagina, bacteria, mucus, and water. People who are menopausal typically have less discharge as a result of lower levels of estrogen.

What kind of fluid is produced during ovulation?

Cervical fluid can be cloudy or white, slippery or sticky. A woman’s body usually makes more of it as she approaches ovulation. At that time, the color and consistency may resemble egg whites. Arousal fluid is produced when a woman is sexually stimulated, lubricating the vagina for comfortable intercourse.

Normal vaginal fluids. Vaginal discharge refers to a clear or white fluid produced by the uterus, cervix, or vagina. Most women experience some degree of vaginal discharge. The amount can vary from woman to woman.

What does it mean when your vagina is clear?

Clear vaginal discharge is an often common and normal symptom from the female reproductive system. Clear stretchy discharge is a sign of ovulation, while clear watery vaginal discharge occurs between periods, sexual arousal, or pregnancy.

Where does the discharge from the vagina come from?

Glands produce the release in the vaginal and cervical area. Did you already know that the vagina is a self-cleaning organ? Discharge is mainly fluid that cleans and moisturizes the vaginal canal. It oozes out, and with it, all harmful bacteria and unwanted cells from the reproductive system is removed.

What does clear, stretchy and jelly-like vaginal discharge mean?

Typically, clear, stretchy and jelly-like vaginal discharge that has the consistency of egg whites, means that you are making a lot of estrogen. This type of discharge often occurs in the middle between your cycles and is a sign of ovulating (your body is releasing an egg) and you are fertile (able to become pregnant).