What does chronic microvascular ischemic disease mean?

What does chronic microvascular ischemic disease mean?

What Is Chronic Microvascular Ischemic Disease? It is the result of blockage to the small blood vessels in the brain. This happens over time due to changes in the blood vessels or blood clots. Ischemic changes are areas in the brain tissue that have died from lack of blood flow.

How does microvascular ischemic disease affect white matter?

Doctors use the term microvascular ischemic disease to refer to changes that occur in the walls of the blood vessels of the brain. Conditions that affect these blood vessels can damage white matter in the brain. White matter contains nerve fibers that send signals between different parts of the brain.

Is there such thing as small vessel ischemic disease?

Due to the low mortality of small vessel ischemic disease (SVID) and barely accurate postmortem evidence, the current body of knowledge and understanding of small vessel ischemic disease is still immature.

How does microvascular ischemic disease show up on an MRI?

Microvascular ischemic disease is often detected on an MRI of the brain. It shows up as tiny blood vessels in the brain that are blocked. They often appear to have ruptured or filled with clots.

What are some symptoms of chronic microvascular ischemia?

Microvascular ischemia can cause the heart to feel like it is cramping or being squeezed, creating a tightness in the chest. The person may feel nauseous or lightheaded because the brain or heart is not receiving enough oxygen. Pain in the shoulder or arm is also a common symptom of ischemia.

Is microvascular heart disease a serious condition?

A. Microvascular heart disease affects about four times as many women as men and “is serious, actually,” said Dr. Stacey Rosen, a cardiologist and spokeswoman for the American Heart Association’s Go Red For Women campaign, since it can lead to heart attacks, heart failure and death.

Can microvascular disease be reversed?

Clinical studies do suggest that microvascular disease can be reversed with long-term RAS blockade [76–78]. In relation to the role of uric acid, the beneficial impact of a variety of uric acid-lowering agents on the development of cardiovascular end points has been considered in several studies.

What are the symptoms of ischemic disease?

You may experience ischemic heart disease symptoms daily or just occasionally. Common symptoms of Ischemic heart disease include chest pain, chest pressure, or shortness of breath other symptoms of Ischemic heart disease include: Extreme fatigue.