What does broad-based disc bulge mean?

What does broad-based disc bulge mean?

Asymmetric disc bulge (Broad-based disc bulge): The bulge involves 25 to 50% of the disc’s circumference.

Is extension good for disc bulge?

These exercises focus on extending, or gently arching, your back because that position has been found to be helpful for people with herniated discs. Gentle extension (ie, not arching so much that you’re doing a backbend like a gymnast) may help reduce pressure on your spinal discs.

When does a disc have a broad based bulge?

A disc is bulging when over 50 percent of the disc material’s circumference is overextended. A disc has either a broad-based protrusion or a bulge, but not a broad-based bulge, according to the Laser Spine Institute.

What are the symptoms of a broad disc protrusion?

Broad disc protrusion only produces symptoms like numbness, tingling and pain when the disc compresses a nerve root or the spinal cord. Some of the methods that doctors use to confirm a diagnosis of broad disc protrusion include: Medical history and physical.

When to use broad based for disc herniation?

The addition of the term broad-based to any herniated disc diagnosis simply refers to the proportional size of the actual bulge or herniation. When the size of the herniation is 25% to 50% of the total disc circumference, the disc pathology is described as being broad based.

What is a circumferential bulge in the intervertebral disc?

Disc herniation has been defined as a localized displacement of disc material beyond the limits of the intervertebral disc space. A “circumferential bulge” describes disc material bulging out beyond 50% to 100% of the edges of the vertebral body’s ring apophysis and is not considered a disc herniation.

What are the symptoms of a bulging L4 / 5 disc?

Symptoms are specific to the level of the bulge. An L4/5 bulging disc puts pressure on your L5 nerve — one of the most common levels where this condition occurs. Bulging of this disc, located in your lower back, causes a variety of problematic symptoms.”

A disc is bulging when over 50 percent of the disc material’s circumference is overextended. A disc has either a broad-based protrusion or a bulge, but not a broad-based bulge, according to the Laser Spine Institute.

What are the symptoms of a broad-based disc herniation?

What are symptoms of a broad-based disc herniation? Symptoms, which are much less common in broad-based than in focal disc herniation, can include pain in the neck, lower back, arm or leg. What is a central or posterior broad-based disc herniation? A central or posterior disc herniation points to the spinal cord.

What are the symptoms of a disc extrusion?

Symptoms 1 Neck pain 2 Pain that extends down the shoulder and arm 3 Weakness, numbness or tingling that radiates down the arm and fingers 4 Neck spasms More