What does atherosclerosis pain feel like?

What does atherosclerosis pain feel like?

Coronary artery disease: The warning sign for atherosclerosis in the heart is chest pain when you’re active, or angina. It’s often described as tightness and usually goes away with rest. Other symptoms may include shortness of breath or fatigue.

How to know if you have arteriosclerosis or atherosclerosis?

If you think you have atherosclerosis, talk to your doctor. Also pay attention to early symptoms of inadequate blood flow, such as chest pain (angina), leg pain or numbness.

What causes sharp pain in the chest when having a heart attack?

Chest pain associated with heart attack: sharp, stabbing pain, or tightness or pressure. A heart attack occurs when there is blockage in one or more of the arteries supplying blood to the heart muscle.

What kind of heart problems can be caused by atherosclerosis?

The complications of atherosclerosis depend on which arteries are blocked. For example: Coronary artery disease. When atherosclerosis narrows the arteries close to your heart, you may develop coronary artery disease, which can cause chest pain (angina), a heart attack or heart failure.

Can you have chest pain without a heart problem?

While pain is the most common symptom of a heart problem, some people experience other symptoms, with or without chest pain. Women, in particular, have reported unusual symptoms that later have been identified as being the result of a heart condition: Symptoms that may indicate your chest pain isn’t heart-related include:

What are the symptoms of atherosclerosis and arteriosclerosis?

Some of the symptoms that an individual with Atherosclerosis or Arteriosclerosis may experience are chest pain or pressure, sudden episodes of numbness and weakness in the arms or legs in case if the arteries going to the brain gets blocked along with slurred speech,…

How to tell if your chest pain might be serious?

How to Tell If Your Chest Pain Might Be Serious Pain in your chest could be a heart attack — or not A sensation of pressure, pain or squeezing in the center of your chest is a classic symptom of heart attack. It’s common for this pain to radiate to your jaw, neck, back or arm.

Why do I have chest pain when I have a heart attack?

The other tricky problem with heart attacks is that different people experience them in different ways. Some have classic chest pain. Others have jaw pain or back pain. Still others become breathless, or extremely fatigued, or nauseated.

Where does the pain in the chest come from?

While most heart and chest pain occur in the area behind the breastbone, cardiac pain may also radiate down your arms, back, shoulders, and neck. Chest pain related to the heart is also described differently.