What do you need to know about virtual colonoscopy?

What do you need to know about virtual colonoscopy?

Virtual colonoscopy. Overview. Virtual colonoscopy is a minimally invasive exam to screen for cancer of the large intestine (colon cancer). Virtual colonoscopy is also known as a screening CT colonography.

When to repeat a colonoscopy if you have colon cancer?

Negative, if the doctor doesn’t find any abnormalities in the colon. If you’re at average risk of colon cancer — you have no colon cancer risk factors other than age — your doctor may recommend repeating the exam in five years. Positive, if the images reveal any polyps or other abnormal tissue in the colon.

When to have a colonoscopy at the Mayo Clinic?

According to this information Mayo Clinic, if you have had an adenomatous polyp or a serrated polyp, your doctor is likely to recommend a colonoscopy: – In five to 10 years if you had only one or two small adenomas.

Can a polyp be removed during a virtual colonoscopy?

In some cases, the traditional colonoscopy or polyp removal can be done the same day as the virtual colonoscopy. Finding other abnormalities, if the imaging test detects problems outside the colon, such as in the kidneys, liver or pancreas.

Virtual Colonoscopy. Virtual colonoscopy is a special X-ray examination of the colon using low dose computed tomography (CT). It is a less invasive procedure than a conventional colonoscopy. A radiologist reviews the images from the virtual colonoscopy to look for polyps on the inside of the colon that can sometimes turn into colon cancer.

How often should you have a colonoscopy for colorectal cancer?

How often: Every 10 years (for people who do not have an increased risk of colorectal cancer). Computed tomography (CT) colonography, also called a virtual colonoscopy, uses X-rays and computers to produce images of the entire colon, which are displayed on a computer screen for the doctor to analyze. How often: Every 5 years.

Can a polyp be removed from a virtual colonoscopy?

This lets the healthcare provider look at the colon directly and remove any polyps that are there. Colon polyps that are found by virtual colonoscopy can be removed with regular colonoscopy before they turn into cancer. Virtual colonoscopy has some benefits over regular colonoscopy: It is less uncomfortable and invasive.

Can a colonoscopy be done at advanced body scan?

Colon Polyps. The Virtual Colonoscopy at Advanced Body Scan is the most effective technology available to simply and non-invasively detect signs of Colon Polyps. Call Advanced Body Scan today and begin your journey to a healthier, happier you (405) 242-1400.