What do you need to know about a fractured knee?

What do you need to know about a fractured knee?

Fractured Knee – The Complete Injury Guide 1 The patella is a triangular bone located at the front of the knee,… 2 Types of Kneecap Fractures. Patellar fractures can occur at the center, top,… 3 Causes and Risk Factors of a Fractured Knee. 4 Fractured Kneecap Symptoms. What does a fractured knee look like?

What kind of injury can cause a broken knee?

A broken knee can be due to several injuries, like broken knee cap (patella fracture), or broken leg bones (tibia or fibula fracture) or thigh bone (femur fracture) near the knee joint. Road accidents, especially bike accidents, can cause the worst broken knee’s, with several knee fractures and torn knee ligaments and tendons.

How can you tell if a knee injury is serious?

Swelling in the knee immediately or shortly after an injury is a common sign that indicates you may have sustained a serious knee injury. In many cases, the swelling is due to blood. The bleeding will stop, but the swelling will remain. Blood in the joint is called a hemarthrosis. Blood in the knee joint can cause a lot of pain due to inflammation.

What causes swelling in the knee after a fracture?

The swelling is caused by bleeding from the fractured bone ends into the knee joint. Patients with a large amount of blood in the knee may benefit from draining the blood for pain relief. 1  Immobilizing the knee with a knee brace will also help minimize discomfort.

How do you tell if your knee is fractured?

The most common signs of a knee fracture are pain, swelling, and bruising of the affected joint. A person with this injury will typically have trouble standing on the injured leg, and might have go into shock.

Can you put weight on a fractured knee?

If the broken pieces are still lined up, you’ll get a cast to hold everything in place as you heal. Sometimes, you can still put weight on your knee. In other cases, you might be off your feet for 6 to 8 weeks. For a more serious fracture, you typically need surgery. Your doctor may use screws, pins, or wires to hold the bone pieces in place.

What is the recovery time for a broken knee?

When you are ready to return to the activity, do it slowly. If you rush back in, you could re-injure yourself. Very severe stress fractures that won’t heal on their own may require surgery. Full recovery may take months or years .

How do I treat a knee fracture?

Professional treatment of a knee fracture often involves X-rays. Pain medication can help knee pain. Gel ice packs can be contoured slightly to the bend of the knee, which makes them ideal for treating the swelling around the fracture.