What did Hippocrates believe in?

What did Hippocrates believe in?

He believed in the natural healing process of rest, a good diet, fresh air and cleanliness. He noted that there were individual differences in the severity of disease symptoms and that some individuals were better able to cope with their disease and illness than others.

Who was Hippocrates What did his beliefs focus on?

Hippocrates stressed the importance of observation, diagnosis and treatment and developed the theory of the body having four humours; black bile, yellow bile, phlegm and blood. Illness occurred, he believed, if one of these humours was out of balance and the body therefore contained too much or too little of it.

What influenced Hippocrates?

Hippocratic medicine was influenced by the Pythagorean theory that Nature was made of four elements (water, earth, wind and fire), and therefore, in an analogous way, the body consisted of four fluids or ‘humors’ (black bile, yellow bile, phlegm and blood). His contribution in clinical medicine is immense.

How did Hippocrates influence medicine?

Therefore, Hippocrates established the basics of clinical medicine as it is practiced today. He introduced numerous medical terms universally used by physicians, including symptom, diagnosis, therapy, trauma and sepsis. In addition, he described a great number of diseases without superstition.

What did Hippocrates believe about the basis of the mind?

The Greek physician Hippocrates (c. 460–375 BC) believed that the brain is the basis of the mind and that all psychopathology arose in the brain [15–17]. There were also opposing theories like the suggestion of Aristotle (384–322 BC) that the brain’s main function was to cool the blood.

What did Hippocrates believe about phlegm and disease?

Phlegm: related to water, with moist and cold qualities. Hippocrates and his followers never saw disease as a solely organic matter. They believed that the mind and the body were a single entity. As such, during disease, the mind had certain effects on the physical body and vice versa.

What did Meno say about Hippocrates life and works?

Life and works. Meno, a pupil of Aristotle, specifically stated in his history of medicine the views of Hippocrates on the causation of diseases, namely, that undigested residues were produced by unsuitable diet and that these residues excreted vapours, which passed into the body generally and produced diseases.

How did Hippocrates contribute to the theory of the four humors?

Phlegmatic: The phlegmatic have a high amount of phlegm in their systems. They’re deep thinkers, fair, calm, willing to compromise, and hard workers. Both Hippocrates and Galen, as well as all of their followers, designed and complemented the theory of the four humors based on observations.