What could be causing headaches in my home?

What could be causing headaches in my home?

“The main indoor allergens that may trigger a headache are dust and mold,” says Mays. If you are allergic to either one, an allergy-free home may be the ticket to a headache-free home. Follow dust and mold tips such as: Reduce humidity with a home dehumidifier.

Why do I get a headache when I stay home all day?

Poor Positioning or Posture Can Cause Tension “A lot of us quickly pivoted to working from home, and we don’t have the ideal office setup,” says Hamilton. That can mean poor positioning or posture, which can increase the likelihood of a migraine-related or tension-type headache, she says.

Can radon gas give you headaches?

One of the most dangerous aspects of exposure to radon gas is its initial lack of symptoms. Symptoms of radon gas do not include the onset of headaches, dizziness, or nausea that are often associated with other inhaled airborne substances such as carbon monoxide poisoning.

Why do I wake up with a headache on Saturday?

You put in 10-hour days from Monday to Friday and you feel fine, only to wake up after a lie-in on Saturday with a pounding headache. Why is that? It’s because as the tension of the week subsides, your levels of stress hormones drop, which causes a rapid release of neurotransmitters (the brain’s chemical messengers).

What to do if you get a headache at the weekend?

How to fix it: Avoid the temptation to sleep in at weekends. More than 8 hours’ sleep at a time can bring on a headache. Introduce some relaxation time, such as a yoga class, into your working week, rather than squeezing it all into the weekend.

Why do I get headaches when I Smell housework?

4 – Perfume. If you think housework is giving you a headache, you could be right. Household cleaners, along with perfumes and fragranced air fresheners, contain chemicals that can bring on headaches. How to fix it: If you’re susceptible to headaches brought on by certain smells, avoid heavy perfumes and strong-smelling soaps,…

What to do if housework is giving you a headache?

You could also see a physical therapist, such as an osteopath or Alexander technique practitioner. They may be able to help you identify and correct any posture problems. If you think housework is giving you a headache, you could be right.

What happens when you have a migraine on a Friday?

Come Friday, you’re completely exhausted and feel like a zombie. You catch up on your sleep, but you wake up with a dull headache at 9 am. You meet friends to play socially distanced tennis on a hot, humid day in the sun, down a couple of iced teas, and come home to clean up in a hot shower.

When to know when to worry about a headache?

Headache symptoms you should worry about A headache typically causes pain in your head, face, or neck area. Get urgent medical attention if you have severe, unusual pain or other signs and symptoms. Your headache may be a sign of an underlying illness or health condition.

What should I do if I have a headache every night?

If you clench your jaw or grind your teeth at night, a bite plate may help. If you need more help, your doctor may prescribe a stronger pain medication or a muscle relaxant to control headache pain. Many people with recurrent tension-type headaches can prevent attacks by taking a tricyclic antidepressant such as amitriptyline (Elavil, generic).

What to do if you get a headache from eating ice cream?

Ice cream headaches. Some people develop sharp, sudden headache pain when they eat anything cold. The pain is over in less than a minute, even if you keep eating. If you are bothered by ice cream headaches, try eating slowly and warming the cold food at the front of your mouth before you swallow it.