What condition is weak bones?

What condition is weak bones?

Osteoporosis is a bone disease that occurs when the body loses too much bone, makes too little bone, or both. As a result, bones become weak and may break from a fall or, in serious cases, from sneezing or minor bumps. Osteoporosis means “porous bone.” Viewed under a microscope, healthy bone looks like a honeycomb.

What is it called when you have fragile bones?

Osteogenesis imperfecta (OI) is a genetic disorder that prevents the body from building strong bones. People with OI might have bones that break easily, which is why the condition is commonly called brittle bone disease.

What is the main cause of bone disease?

Dietary factors Osteoporosis is more likely to occur in people who have: Low calcium intake. A lifelong lack of calcium plays a role in the development of osteoporosis. Low calcium intake contributes to diminished bone density, early bone loss and an increased risk of fractures.

What does the word osteoporosis mean in medical terms?

The word osteoporosis literally means “porous bones.”. It occurs when bones lose an excessive amount of their protein and mineral content, particularly calcium. Over time, bone mass, and therefore bone strength, is decreased.

What’s the difference between low bone mass and osteoporosis?

This fact sheet discusses the similarities and differences between these conditions. Osteoporosis is a condition in which the bones become less dense and more likely to fracture. In the United States, more than 53 million people either already have osteoporosis or are at high risk due to low bone mass.

When does the amount of bone in the skeleton decline?

During childhood and early adulthood, more bone is produced than removed, reaching its maximum mass and strength by the mid-30s. After that, bone is lost at a faster pace than it is formed, so the amount of bone in the skeleton begins to slowly decline.

How does osteoporosis cause bones to break easily?

It occurs when bones lose an excessive amount of their protein and mineral content, particularly calcium. Over time, bone mass, and therefore bone strength, is decreased. As a result, bones become fragile and break easily. Even a sneeze or a sudden movement may be enough to break a bone in someone with severe osteoporosis.

What are the symptoms of weak bones?

There typically are no symptoms in the early stages of bone loss. But once your bones have been weakened by osteoporosis, you might have signs and symptoms that include: Back pain, caused by a fractured or collapsed vertebra. Loss of height over time.

What causes bones to break easily?

Brittle bone disease is a genetic disorder that causes bones to break easily due to collagen production problems and bone integrity. This disorder is also known as Lobstein syndrome or Osteogenesis Imperfecta.

What causes rapid bone loss?

However, there are a number of medical conditions and medications that can cause more rapid bone loss — the most common conditions are hyperparathyroidism, hyperthyroidism , vitamin D deficiency and celiac disease , and the most common medications are steroids and aromatase inhibitors.

What is the disease where bones break easily?

Jump to navigation Jump to search. Osteogenesis imperfecta (OI), also known as brittle bone disease, is a group of genetic disorders that mainly affect the bones. It results in bones that break easily. The severity may be mild to severe.