What causes yellow water diarrhea?

What causes yellow water diarrhea?

Yellow liquid poop could indicate an underlying disorder in the liver or gallbladder. Bright yellow liquid stool can also be a sign of giardiasis, an infection caused by an intestinal parasite that you can get from drinking contaminated water.

Can a stomach virus cause gas and bloating?

Many people experience bloating after having a stomach virus or bug. This’s because of the bacterial overgrowth that occurred in the small intestine as a result of the infection.

What do you need to know about bloating and diarrhea?

Bloating or fullness, Diarrhea, Increased passing gas and Nausea or vomiting. WebMD Symptom Checker helps you find the most common medical conditions indicated by the symptoms bloating or fullness, diarrhea, increased passing gas and nausea or vomiting including Irritable bowel syndrome, Gastroenteritis, and Food poisoning.

Why does my stomach turn yellow when I have diarrhea?

Suspect if your yellow diarrhea started shortly after the ingestion of a high-fat meal. The diarrhea is greasy, yellowish to grey in color. No or mild abdominal cramps. Nausea may occur from the high-fat content inside your stomach, but usually no vomiting.

Why do I have gas and diarrhea all the time?

Well, it’s possible that people with IBS don’t have the best bacterial micro-environment, resulting in excessive fermentation of food with gas production and bloating sensations. Thirdly, some foods may trigger excessive bloating, constipation, diarrhea, and abdominal pain.

What happens when you have gas in your stomach?

Belching or passing gas clears gas from the digestive tract, but when gas is stuck it causes abdominal pain. Lactose intolerance, or the inability to digest lactose, leads to gas, bloating, and other symptoms. Food poisoning can cause abdominal pain, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, fever, chills, and weakness.

What are the most common causes of bloating and diarrhea?

Some of the most common causes of bloating and diarrhea include gastrointestinal illnesses caused by viruses, bacteria, and parasites. A person may also become bloated and suffer from diarrhea because he has a long-term condition, such as irritable bowel syndrome or Chrohn’s disease.

What to do for bloating?

Cooking herbs such as dill and fennel and spices like ginger and cinnamon can be used as natural remedies for bloating. Cinnamon and ginger in fact stimulate the digestive system and can improve the absorption of food.

What are the most common causes of diarrhea and gas?

Diarrhea and gas can be caused by a wide range of conditions. Some of them may be short-term causes, such as stomach viruses or food poisoning, but others, such as chronic irritable bowel syndrome, may last for a long time.

What is wrong with you if you bloat after everything you eat?

If you feel like you’re bloated after everything you eat, an undiagnosed food intolerance may be to blame. When your body is intolerant to a specific food, it cannot completely digest that food. As a result, you may experience uncomfortable symptoms such as bloating, gas, diarrhea or constipation.