What causes swelling in the Shin and calf?

What causes swelling in the Shin and calf?

View tags Arrow Icon. Experiencing one leg swelling can often be caused by a blood clot located in a deep vein, also known as deep vein thrombosis (DVT). Other common causes of a swollen shin or calf include trauma from an injury that can lead to bruises, fractures, or sprains.

What causes swelling on the left side of the leg?

What Causes Left Leg Swelling? In many cases, the swelling of the legs happens evenly, without one leg looking larger than the other. But sometimes one leg will swell while the other stays relatively normal. Common causes are water retention or inflammation, arthritis, some sort of injury that affects only one leg, or issues with a blood clot.

How to get rid of calf swelling at home?

At-home treatments 1 Rest and ice: Giving the calf a chance to recuperate can sometimes be the best medicine. 2 Elevation: Maintaining the calf at an elevation above the heart will help fluid leave the affected area and reduce swelling. 3 Compression: Keep the swollen calf wrapped tightly, but not so tight as to cut off circulation. 更多结果…

What causes pain on the left side of the calf?

Here are causes of calf swelling and pain. 1. Venous insufficiency. The human body is made up of arteries and veins. In simple terms, the arteries deliver blood and oxygen to your body tissues while the vein returns used deoxygenated blood back from your body tissues to your heart.

View tags Arrow Icon. Experiencing one leg swelling can often be caused by a blood clot located in a deep vein, also known as deep vein thrombosis (DVT). Other common causes of a swollen shin or calf include trauma from an injury that can lead to bruises, fractures, or sprains.

What Causes Left Leg Swelling? In many cases, the swelling of the legs happens evenly, without one leg looking larger than the other. But sometimes one leg will swell while the other stays relatively normal. Common causes are water retention or inflammation, arthritis, some sort of injury that affects only one leg, or issues with a blood clot.

Can a DVT cause swelling in the calf?

A deep vein thrombosis affects about 900,000 people in the United States each year, and a common symptom is swelling of the calf muscle. DVT means a clot develops in your deep veins and mostly affect the legs. In some cases, the clot dislodges and travels to your lungs resulting in life-threatening complications. Who is at risk of a DVT?