What causes raised LFT?

What causes raised LFT?

Your liver tests can be abnormal because: Your liver is inflamed (for example, by infection, toxic substances like alcohol and some medicines, or by an immune condition). Your liver cells have been damaged (for example, by toxic substances, such as alcohol, paracetamol, poisons).

What are the normal values for liver function?

It was found that my liver functioning is 60 percent, through liver blood tests. My ALT level is 204 in my liver blood test. I am a 67 years old male. I had liver blood tests and in my blood biochemistry the upper limits of serum SGOT is 43.1 and SGPT is 50.2 against 40 and 45 respectively.

How often do you get abnormal liver results?

This means that, for any one liver test, around 1 in 20 people with healthy livers will have a result that is slightly abnormal.

What should your liver enzyme level be for Alt?

The main liver enzymes are AST and ALT, normal AST levels are between 10 and 40 while normal ALT levels are between 7 and 56. I doubt you have anything too serious, but if your GP suspects that you possibly have anything seriously wrong with your Liver then he will refer you to a Hepatologist. Report / Delete Reply michael60930 ChrisA15

When to start talking about a liver transplant?

My liver blood tests showed me that my liver enzymes were 5 times the normal levels which indicated liver damage. The doctors said if they don’t return to normal within 3 months of quitting drinking and nicotine, no ibuprofen or Aleve, we would have to start talking liver transplant.

What’s the normal ALT level for liver damage?

Normal ALT values are around 10-40 units per litre. This range might vary according to different countries or laboratories, but the upper limit is usually between 35-40. [1] Therefore an elevated ALT level simply means liver damage, the higher ALT number indicates more severe damage to the liver. When is treatment needed for elevated ALT level?

What’s the average size of a child’s liver?

While liver sizes can vary slightly, there are some studies about the average liver size by age. One such study was published in the journal Indian Pediatrics. The researchers performed ultrasound evaluation of 597 healthy children between the ages of 1 and 12 years.

What’s the normal range for a liver test?

The laboratory where the blood is being tested provides a ‘normal value’ or ‘reference value’ against which your test results are measured. This is a broad range into which people without liver disease will fall. An abnormal liver blood test result is defined as being below or above the normal range.

How old do you have to be to have a normal liver?

An older study published in the Journal of Ultrasound in Medicine measured the average liver diameter of more than 2,080 male and female participants between 18 to 88 years old at the midclavicular line, which is an imaginary line moving down your body starting from the middle of your collarbone.