What causes palpable spleen?

What causes palpable spleen?

Blood cancers, such as leukemia and myeloproliferative neoplasms, and lymphomas, such as Hodgkin’s disease. Metabolic disorders, such as Gaucher’s disease and Niemann-Pick disease. Pressure on the veins in the spleen or liver or a blood clot in these veins.

Is a palpable spleen normal?

The spleen is not normally palpable except in slender young adults. When the spleen can be felt below the left costal margin, at rest or on inspiration, splenic enlargement should be assumed and the explanation sought.

What is just palpable spleen?

Definition: The abnormal enlargement of the spleen (subdivided into mild, moderate and massive splenomegaly) Mild: just palpable (1-3cm below the costal margin) Moderate: between the costal margin and umbilicus (4-8cm below the costal margin)

Is spleen palpable in adults?

Studies have shown that normal sized spleens may be palpable in approximately 3% of adults. Patients may have an abnormally palpable spleen with or without exam findings of contributing underlying illness.

What foods can irritate the spleen?

It is important to avoid foods that are “damp”: alcohol, fat, fast sugars and excessive quantities of dairy products — for example, “fromage blanc,” which has a moisture content of 80%. The spleen is sensitive to erratic eating habits and can be weakened by skipping breakfast, copious or late dinners, and snacking.

How can you tell if you have an enlarged spleen?

If you’re very slim, it may be possible for you to feel your enlarged spleen through your skin. A common symptom of an enlarged spleen is a feeling of pain or discomfort in the upper left side of abdomen, where the spleen is located.

Can a palpable spleen be a sign of anemia?

A palpable spleen and an enlarged hepatic inferior border (more than 3 cm below the right midclavicular costal margin) may suggest chronic anemia. [emedicine.com] . Normal spleen may be palpable 1–2 cm below left costal margin in infants and children. 8.

When is the spleen normally palpable in an adult?

What happens if an enlarged spleen is left untreated?

In some cases, other tests may be needed. Limit any activities that could rupture your spleen, such as contact sports. A ruptured spleen can cause lots of blood loss and be life threatening. It’s important to seek treatment for the cause of your enlarged spleen. Left untreated, an enlarged spleen can lead to serious complications.

Is it hard to palpate an enlarged spleen?

Even an enlarged spleen can be difficult to palpate especially in obese patients, because unlike the liver on the right side of the abdomen, its lower edge can be soft and hard to appreciate. When enlarged, many patients complain of a feeling of fullness and early satiety when eating.

How to tell if you have a spleen problem?

However, the presence of other spleen-related symptoms can be helpful in confirming that upper abdominal pain and flank pain is in fact spleen pain. Apat from pain and tenderness, spleen problems may also present with: Abdominal fullness sensation after eating, often referred to as bloating.

A palpable spleen and an enlarged hepatic inferior border (more than 3 cm below the right midclavicular costal margin) may suggest chronic anemia. [emedicine.com] . Normal spleen may be palpable 1–2 cm below left costal margin in infants and children. 8.

What causes an enlarged spleen or splenomegaly?

Overview. Your spleen is an organ located just below your left rib cage. Many conditions — including infections, liver disease and some cancers — can cause an enlarged spleen, also known as splenomegaly (spleh-no-MEG-uh-lee).