What causes pain below the sternum after eating?

What causes pain below the sternum after eating?

If you notice that the pain develops immediately and causes a burning sensation, it is most likely from heartburn or gastroesophageal reflux disease — GERD. If the pain develops within a few hours after eating, you may have a peptic ulcer. Certain foods can trigger pain below the sternum after eating with a peptic ulcer.

Why does my chest hurt when I eat or drink?

This accumulation can cause chest pain as it causes uneasiness and discomfort during the intake of food. This condition is a call for an emergency. A tear in the esophagus can be caused due to severe vomiting after a meal. It causes a constant chest pain. Eating or drinking just intensifies the pain further.

What to do if you have pain in your sternum?

The doctor may advise you using heat or ice to relieve the pain and getting enough rest. You should also avoid unnecessary activities that could worsen the pain. Heartburn, also known as acid reflux, is a common cause of sternum pain. There are a lot of people who experience having heartburn especially after eating.

Why does my sternum hurt when I have heartburn?

GERD can also cause severe pains in the chest and sternum, which is another serious form of acid reflux. You may suffer from nausea, a sore throat, and a chronic cough. Sometimes, the pain from heartburn or GERD may feel like angina. If you feel this type of pain whether it is heartburn or angina, you need to get yourself checked immediately.

If you notice that the pain develops immediately and causes a burning sensation, it is most likely from heartburn or gastroesophageal reflux disease — GERD. If the pain develops within a few hours after eating, you may have a peptic ulcer. Certain foods can trigger pain below the sternum after eating with a peptic ulcer.

Where does the pain come from after eating?

Pain from gallstones may occur after eating, particularly if the meal was large and/or high in fat. Gallstone pain typically occurs in the middle or the right side of your upper abdomen. The pain may also occur behind your sternum or radiate to your upper back.

Do you feel pain in your chest when you eat or drink?

If you feel a pain in chest when swallowing food or drink, you’re not alone. If you feel a pain in your chest when swallowing food or drink, you’re not alone. Most people will experience this discomfort occasionally, along with a feeling that it hurts to burp.

The doctor may advise you using heat or ice to relieve the pain and getting enough rest. You should also avoid unnecessary activities that could worsen the pain. Heartburn, also known as acid reflux, is a common cause of sternum pain. There are a lot of people who experience having heartburn especially after eating.