What causes pain along the spine?

What causes pain along the spine?

In most cases, upper and middle back pain is caused by: Overuse, muscle strain, or injury to the muscles, ligaments, and discs that support your spine. Poor posture. Myofascial pain that affects the connective tissue of a muscle or group of muscles.

What does it mean when a trigger point hurts?

Sensitive areas of tight muscle fibers can form in your muscles after injuries or overuse. These sensitive areas are called trigger points. A trigger point in a muscle can cause strain and pain throughout the muscle. When this pain persists and worsens, doctors call it myofascial pain syndrome.

What is the muscle that runs along the spine?

The paraspinal muscles, sometimes called the erector spinae, are three muscle groups that support your back. You use them every time you lean to one side, arch your back, bend forward, or twist your torso.

Where does the pain come from in the back?

Radiating pain. This pain can travel along a nerve from the thoracic spine and potentially go into the arm, chest, stomach, or further down the body. Radiating pain can range from dull to sharp or electric shock-like, and it may come and go or be continuous. It is usually only felt on one side of the body,…

What kind of pain is on the left side of the spine?

Usually one side (left or right) is affected. This pain is often described as sharp and electric shock-like. It may be more severe with standing, walking or sitting. Along with leg pain, the patient may experience low back pain.

What are the specific pathologies of lower back pain?

Those specific pathologies can be defined as: The human spine is a self-supporting construction of skeleton, cartilage, ligaments and muscles. The lower back (where most back pain occurs) includes the five vertebrae in the lumbar region and supports much of the weight of the upper body.

What causes a tender spot on the back of the spine?

Spinal Sprains and Strains – A third and final condition that is sometimes identified by the presence of an isolated tender spot in your spine is a spinal muscle strain. A strained muscle may become inflamed and feel tender to the touch, as can injuries like a spasm or a spinal muscle cramp.

Which is the most common trigger point for spinal pain?

The trapezius muscle, which extends from the back of the neck down across the shoulders and upper back, is among the most common sites of spinal trigger points and myofascial pain syndrome because it bears a significant amount of pressure (eg, bearing the weight of a heavy handbag) and is susceptible to whiplash injury.

What causes pain in the back of the spine?

Spinal pain can be caused by things more severe that might require surgical consideration. These usually involve spinal pain that radiates into arms, legs or around the rib cage from back toward the anterior chest. Three types of muscles support the spine: This opens in a new window.

How does pain signal to the brain from the spine?

The Brain. The impact of endorphins is why athletes may not notice the pain of a fairly serious injury until the “big” game is over. It is also why regular low-impact aerobic exercise (e.g. a riding stationary bike) can be an excellent method to help control chronic back pain.

Usually one side (left or right) is affected. This pain is often described as sharp and electric shock-like. It may be more severe with standing, walking or sitting. Along with leg pain, the patient may experience low back pain.