What causes loss of appetite after proper treatment?

What causes loss of appetite after proper treatment?

In most cases, your appetite will return to normal once the underlying condition or reason is treated. Loss of appetite can be caused by bacterial, viral, fungal, or other infections at any location. Here are just a few of what it could result from: After proper treatment for the illness, your appetite will return.

Can a loss of appetite be a reversible condition?

Some of the conditions can be temporary and reversible, such as loss of appetite from the effects of medications. Some of the conditions can be more serious, such as from the effects of underlying cancer. Any persisting lack of appetite should be evaluated by a health-care professional.

Can a bacterial infection cause loss of appetite?

If the cause is a bacterial or viral infection, you won’t usually require specific treatment for the symptom, as your appetite will quickly return once your infection is cured. If loss of appetite is due to a medical condition such as cancer or chronic illness, it can be difficult to stimulate your appetite.

Can a lack of appetite lead to anorexia?

People suffering from depression often experience lack of appetite. Appetite loss with age is not uncommon, in fact up to 30 percent of older people can experience anorexia with aging. This can be particularly worrying as weight loss might increase the risk of osteoporosis, falls and muscle wastage.

Why does SIBO cause unexplained weight loss?

Due to bacterial overgrowth in your small intestine, absorption of critical nutrients and calories is stunted which can cause unexplained weight loss or lead to a serious nutrient deficiency. Your blood work shows chronically low iron or ferritin with no known cause.12 Anemia is known to be one of the clinical manifestations of SIBO.

Do you have to have surgery for SIBO?

While SIBO is often a complication of stomach (abdominal) surgery, this condition can also result from structural problems and some diseases. Sometimes surgery is needed to correct the problem, but antibiotics are the most common treatment. Signs and symptoms of SIBO often include:

How to tell if you have acid reflux or sibo?

Top 6 Symptoms of SIBO 1 Abdominal bloating and distension. 2 Constipation. 3 Diarrhea. 4 Abdominal pain or discomfort. 5 Acid reflux or heartburn. 6 (1 more items)

In most cases, your appetite will return to normal once the underlying condition or reason is treated. Loss of appetite can be caused by bacterial, viral, fungal, or other infections at any location. Here are just a few of what it could result from: After proper treatment for the illness, your appetite will return.