What causes itchy scalp and hair breakage?

What causes itchy scalp and hair breakage?

Fungal infections, allergic reactions to hair products, and inflamed hair follicles can cause the scalp to itch and also damage hair follicles, leading to hair loss. In other cases, scarring on the scalp can cause severe itching because scar tissue can damage the nerve fibers in the skin.

Does dry scalp cause hair breakage?

3. Dryness. Unusually dry hair is one of the precursors to damage and breakage. It’s also caused by a variety of factors, including dry weather, low humidity, and too much heat.

Why does my hair break off so easily?

Share on Pinterest Common causes of hair breakage can include styling and over-brushing. Products that people use for coloring, perming, or relaxing the hair contain chemicals that can weaken the hair and make it more likely to break. Even some shampoos can cause the hair to break, become brittle, or turn frizzy.

Can a dry itchy scalp cause hair loss?

In some cases, the itchiness may be accompanied by flakiness, scaly patches, bumps, and even hair loss. Hair loss may occur when scratching is aggressive or the scalp condition affects the structure or strength of the hair follicles. Once the underlying scalp condition is treated, the hair usually regrows.

Why do I keep scratching my scalp until it bleeds?

This is a common condition that happens when your hair follicles are inflamed. There are several types of folliculitis, but it’s usually caused by a bacterial infection. When you pick at your scalp, it can create small open wounds that are vulnerable to infection and folliculitis.

What causes itching on the scalp and hair loss?

Seborrheic Dermatitis: Like dandruff, seborrheic dermatitis causes itchy skin on any area of the body along with yellow greasy flakes and redness. When it affects the scalp, it causes hair loss because of the inflammation and irritation of hair follicles. Tinea Capitis: Ringworm causes rings with raised bumps on the skin, making it dry and itchy.

What to do when your scalp is dry and Itchy?

Place a cool, wet washcloth on your scalp for 15 to 30 minutes a few times a day to soothe the itch. You can also apply a cortisone anti-itch cream.

What causes a bald patch on the scalp?

When it affects the scalp, the fungal infection damages the hair shafts and leads to their brittleness; thus they break off easily leaving a bald patch of skin. Lichen Planopilaris: It is a skin condition that can cause itching and burning sensation in its acute phase followed by purplish papules, follicular plugging and scarring hair loss.

What causes a dry scalp in the winter?

What Causes Dry Scalp? 1 Too Much Washing. Washing your hair every day can strip your scalp of the natural oils it needs to stay hydrated. 2 Hair Products. A scalp that turns red, itches, and flakes after you wash it could be contact dermatitis. 3 Weather Changes. During the winter months in cold climates, the humidity in the air drops. …