What causes head congestion and how to get rid of it?

What causes head congestion and how to get rid of it?

The sinuses use mucus as part of this system, and in healthy sinuses, that mucus drains and cycles naturally. When the mucus starts to become too thick and plentiful due to various factors and eventually blocks the sinuses, head congestion begins. The second step to getting rid of head congestion is recognizing the common head congestion symptoms.

When to see a doctor for head congestion?

Head and sinus congestion have different causes and treatments, but a sinus infection occurs when the swelling in your nose interferes with your sinuses’ ability to drain, causing a mucus buildup that attracts bacteria and other germs. If your cold symptoms haven’t improved after a week, see your doctor. You could be developing a sinus infection.

How long does it take for head congestion to go away?

If you’re experiencing head congestion, you probably want to know: How long does a head cold last? Most signs of a cold go away after seven to 10 days. The Flu. Similarly, the influenza virus leads to head congestion by infecting your nose, throat and lungs, and causing nasal swelling.

Why do I get congestion when I lie down at night?

Reasons Behind Nighttime Congestion. When we lie down our blood pressure changes, and we may experience increased blood flow to the upper part of our body including our head and nasal passageways. This increased blood flow can make the vessels inside our nose and nasal passageways even more inflamed.

What are the symptoms of congestion in the head?

What Are the Symptoms of Head Congestion? Symptoms of head congestion usually include a stuffy or runny nose, sneezing, coughing, headaches and body aches. Where Do You Feel Head Congestion Symptoms? Naturally, the discomfort felt from head congestion is, well, in your head.

What’s the best way to get rid of head congestion?

Steam can loosen up and melt mucus that is clogging the sinuses and thus relieve congestion. Steam can be delivered to your system in a couple of different ways. A hot shower or bath can bring the steam into your system as can a sit in a sauna. A more direct route can include boiling water in a pot or kettle.

If you’re experiencing head congestion, you probably want to know: How long does a head cold last? Most signs of a cold go away after seven to 10 days. The Flu. Similarly, the influenza virus leads to head congestion by infecting your nose, throat and lungs, and causing nasal swelling.

Can a sinus infection turn into head congestion?

The congestion could have turned into a sinus infection, or perhaps it’s a nasal polyp. The doctor can then determine a course of treatment to rid you of the resulting head congestion. Head Congestion Can Be Miserable! If you’ve ever experienced a head cold that blocked your sinus passages, then you know how bad head congestion can make you feel.