What causes dark coloring on lower legs?

What causes dark coloring on lower legs?

The reddish-brown discoloration on the lower legs is caused by chronic venous disease–the abnormal function of veins. When your veins can’t pump blood back up to the heart properly, it pools in your lower legs. Symptoms start with slight skin irritations and itchiness, then manifest varicose veins.

What causes purple discoloration in the legs?

Leg discoloration happens when the blood in the legs doesn’t flow properly and leaks as pressure builds up in your vein. When blood leaks out of the vein, it collects in the skin, resulting in the appearance of dark purple or red blotches. Leg discoloration is commonly caused by two conditions.

How to tell if you have skin discoloration on your legs?

Leg discoloration may present as follows: 1 Red or brown patches on the skin of your lower leg, ankles or feet 2 The skin may appear irritated as if it has a rash 3 The skin may be visibly shiny and scaly More …

Why are the veins in my legs turning brown?

Other vein disease symptoms that can lead to brown staining are: High Blood Pressure – Veins force blood through the veins and sometimes through the skin. Vein Ulcers – Slow-healing or non-healing wounds. As blood continues to pool in the veins, it’s cells break down and leak iron pigments into the skin.

What causes discoloration around the ankles and lower legs?

Leg discoloration extends much deeper than superficial varicose veins. If you begin to notice changes in skin tone, color, or texture around your ankles and lower legs, it could indicate an underlying vascular disease.

What causes the lower legs to turn dark in color?

The rash is not often itchy, but when it is scratched, it can cause inflammation of the lower leg. Over time the leg may darken as a chemical in the blood begins to stain surrounding tissues. Occasionally, inflammation of the fat can occur and this can cause pain in both legs.

What causes purple discoloration on the legs?

Hemosiderin staining is dark purple or rusty discoloration of the lower legs caused by chronic venous disease . A 2010 study found hemosiderin staining in all subjects with lipodermatosclerosis and venous ulcers. When vein valves fail, regurgitated blood forces red blood cells (RBCs) out of capillaries.

What causes legs and feet to turn purple?

Tingling that happens in the legs and feet typically indicate poor circulation or abnormal nerve sensations that can happen from nerve damage, nerve disease, or another underlying medical condition. When your feet turn purple this is also a sign of poor circulation.

What causes lower legs to turn red?

The most common causes of what looks like a rash or red dots on the lower legs are either immune-mediated inflammation like eczema or psoriasis, or a skin infection like cellulitis. Other causes of red blotches on the lower legs can arise from an allergic reaction to certain foods or contact with poisonous plants.