What causes a child to have a stomach ache?

What causes a child to have a stomach ache?

A stomach ache could be a result of consuming something poisonous, such as a chemical, medicine, cleaning product, or other dangerous substance. If your child has consumed (or you think they have consumed) a non-edible item or liquid, call your local poison control center.

What kind of pain is in the stomach?

Abdominal pain is pain that originates between the chest and the pelvis. Abdominal pain can be cramp-like, achy, dull, or sharp. It is often called stomachache.

When to seek care for a stomach ache?

According to Dr. Kingsley at UPMC, you should call your primary care physician if mild pain lasts more than a couple of days, or if the severe stomach pain is accompanied by other symptoms. You have abdominal pain that is very sharp, severe, and sudden.

Is it normal to have stomach pain in the morning?

The pain can be a cramping sensation that leaves you curled up in a fetal position, or a dull, intermittent ache that comes and goes. But while abdominal pain can be episodic and occur at anytime, you may experience pain primarily in the mornings.

What does it mean when your child has stomach pain?

Sometimes stomach pain is called functional abdominal pain. In these cases, nerve signals or chemicals might be making your child’s stomach more sensitive to normal triggers like gas. The symptoms that come with stomach pain vary depending on what’s causing the stomach pain.

How old does a child have to be to have chronic abdominal pain?

Children aged 4 to 17 years may have chronic abdominal pain. The pain occurs in your child’s abdomen at least 3 times in 3 months. What are different types of chronic abdominal pain in children? Abdominal migraine is severe abdominal pain with nausea, vomiting, or loss of appetite.

When to take your child to the doctor for a tummy ache?

Abdominal pain in children is one of the most common reasons for a parent to bring his or her child to the doctor’s office. Evaluation of a “tummy ache” can be a challenge both to the parents and the physician trying to diagnose the problem. In most cases, abdominal pain is not serious and gets better with little or no treatment.

What causes stomach pain and what are the symptoms?

Symptoms related to stomach pain. The symptoms that come with stomach pain vary depending on what’s causing the stomach pain. For example, if the stomach pain comes with loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting and diarrhoea, the problem could be gastroenteritis or food poisoning. Cramps and general pain might be associated with excess wind and bloating.