What can you not do after a nuclear stress test?

What can you not do after a nuclear stress test?

Caffeine can alter the test results. Do not eat chocolate or drink coffee, tea, soda, colas or other caffeinated beverages such Mountain Dew or energy drinks.

When to ask for a nuclear stress test?

During an unexpected treadmill stress test late in the afternoon in July, 2018, after I’d already had a full aerobic workout at the gym earlier in the day, I asked to stop the test after four or so minutes. Dr. Bejarano’s assistant insisted I needed a nuclear stress test.

How to refer a patient to nuclear medicine?

Use the Nuclear Medicine Referral form or PET Referral form and forward the completed form to Nuclear Medicine. Appointments can also be made directly by calling Nuclear Medicine during business hours. The original request form or letter must accompany the patient to their appointment.

Are there any out of pocket expenses for Nuclear Medicine?

For Nuclear Medicine, there are no out-of-pocket expenses to the patient for the majority of studies performed. For PET, there are no out-of-pocket expenses for all studies that meet Medicare Eligibility Criteria. An out-of-pocket expense may be incurred for all other studies. Please contact Nuclear Medicine & PET for further information.

When do you need a nuclear stress test?

If you’ve had heart problems in the past, your doctor may recommend that you have a test to see how well your blood is flowing into your heart. Let’s talk today about thallium and sestamibi stress test, also known as nuclear stress test. This is your heart.

How does the stress test work at the Mayo Clinic?

A cuff on your arm checks your blood pressure during the test. You may be asked to breathe into a tube during the test to show how well you’re able to breathe during exercise. If you can’t exercise, your doctor will inject the drug into your IV line that mimics exercise by increasing blood flow to your heart.

How are images taken from a stress test?

Images of the heart are acquired when the heart is in a baseline resting state and again after the heart has been exercised, or stressed. Images are taken using specialized cameras ( gamma or SPECT cameras) and radioactive tracers. Patients can be “stressed” by physical exercise, pharmacologically, or a combination of both.

Can a false positive result from a nuclear stress test?

Nuclear stress test SPECT can show how completely your heart chambers empty during contractions. In some cases, other organs and structures can cause false positive results. However, special steps can be taken to avoid this problem. You may need additional tests, such as cardiac catheterization, depending on your test results.