What are the symptoms of an abnormal liver function test?

What are the symptoms of an abnormal liver function test?

What Does Abnormal Liver Function Test Mean. Jaundice is a condition where the skin appears yellow. In some cases, the white of the eye will also appear yellow in color. The liver also helps to process food by producing bile. Abnormal liver function tests would therefore cause symptoms of improper digestion.

Is there anything wrong with my liver test?

There will, in the majority of cases, be nothing wrong with their liver; having a test that’s just over the edge usually means nothing, as long as – crucially – there is only one slight abnormality out of the whole range of tests. You should always discuss even a slightly abnormal result with your doctor.

What kind of tests are done on the liver?

A liver function tests are actually a set of blood tests conducted on the individual to establish the efficiency of liver function. This set of tests is often called a liver panel. Because the liver is such a complicated organ, it requires many different substances to be tested in order to establish the status of its condition.

How often do you get abnormal liver results?

This means that, for any one liver test, around 1 in 20 people with healthy livers will have a result that is slightly abnormal.

What does an abnormal liver function test mean?

Abnormal test results mean that one or more than one of the levels is not within the normal range. The results might indicate that the liver isn’t working normally or is inflamed. The results might indicate that you have a viral infection. More on liver function test results.

What causes high SGPT?

Some of the causes of high ALT SGPT are: Liver inflammation (hepatitis A, B, C, Infectious mononeuceosis, acute viral fever, ALCOHOL, pancreatic disorder). Injury to the muscles, as in accidents. Myocardial infarction, congestive heart failure.

What are dangerous Alt and AST levels?

There is no danger level for SGOT. However, more than 200 is a cause of concern. The extent of liver damage is directly proportional to the SGOT level. However, it is common to have values more than 2000-3000 in viral infection of liver, with complete recovery.

What is considered high AST and ALT levels?

If you go outside (or too high) this range then you are considered to have elevated liver enzymes. The standard range largely depends on the laboratory but in general, is somewhere around 0-45 IU/l for ALT and 0-30 IU/l for AST. If your AST and ALT are higher than the 45 and 35 then they are said to be “elevated”.