What are the side effects of too much vitamin B3?

What are the side effects of too much vitamin B3?

This can lead to possible side effects of too much vitamin B3, such as blurry vision, disorientation, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, bloating, nervousness, and headaches. It is also possible to experience a vitamin B3 side effect called a “niacin flush,” which produces symptoms like burning, itching,…

Are there any side effects to taking B complex vitamins?

However, taking supplements that contain excessively high and unnecessary quantities of B-complex vitamins could lead to serious side effects. High doses of supplemental B3 (niacin) may lead to vomiting, high blood sugar levels, skin flushing and even liver damage ( 34. Trusted Source. ).

Are there any health benefits to vitamin B3?

One known benefit of vitamin B3 is via the nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD), which is helpful for improving the longevity of cells and exerting a cognitive enhancement effect in theory [7]. Unlike some of the other essential nutrients and b-vitamins, there are risks and side effects of consuming too much vitamin B3.

Are there any side effects to vitamin B2?

Vitamin B2 – Riboflavin. Taking a riboflavin supplement will frequently cause the urine to turn a yellow-orange color. This side effect is harmless. In higher dosages, riboflavin may result in increase in urination or diarrhea.

Are there any side effects of vitamin B3?

Common side effects of nicotinamide (a form of vitamin B3) include diarrhea, headaches, itching, dizziness, upset stomach, nausea and flushing of your skin. Seek immediate medical attention if you develop an allergic reaction, such as difficulty breathing, itching, hives, rash, chest tightness and swelling of your tongue, lips, mouth and face.

Are there any risks in taking vitamin B3?

Pregnant and breastfeeding women should discuss the risks of using vitamin B3 with their doctors. People with diabetes may have higher blood sugar than normal while using vitamin B3. Other side effects from vitamin B3 may include dizziness, skin irritation or skin flushing.

Does vitamin B3 help cholesterol?

Regulates Cholesterol Levels. Vitamin B3 is effective in helping to lower cholesterol levels, which is why doctors often prescribe it to treat high cholesterol. It’s even been shown to help reverse heart disease in people with genetically related cholesterol problems.

Can vitamin B3 help improve my skin?

Regular intake of vitamin B3-rich foods could help to restore the health of the skin in such cases. Vitamin B3 possesses the potential to build proteins in the skin. These proteins support the rapid healing of the damaged skin tissues and restore its structural integrity.