What are the side effects of throat cancer treatment?

What are the side effects of throat cancer treatment?

Side effects of radiation therapy in throat cancer patients Many throat cancer patients who receive radiation to the neck and throat area continue to have painful sores and ulcerations in the mouth and throat, that can make it very difficult to eat and drink. This can also lead to weight loss.

Can a person with throat cancer go back to work?

“If it doesn’t work out, I can still go back and have chemo,” he said. Even the radiation alone was punishing. By the fifth or sixth week, 60 percent of patients are forced to rely on feeding tubes because the throat is too painful to swallow, according to Scott.

What to do with sore throat after chemo?

• Try chewing sugar-free gum or suck on sugar free candies. • Cut food into small pieces.

Can a person with throat cancer have a tracheostomy?

Lastly, in some very rare cases, radiation exposure can lead to the breakdown of the cartilage (soft bone tissue) present in the throat. Such patients may need surgery to remove the voice box, and/or the attachment of a plastic tube to facilitate breathing (tracheostomy).

What happens to the throat after throat cancer treatment?

Many throat cancer patients who receive radiation to the neck and throat area continue to have painful sores and ulcerations in the mouth and throat, that can make it very difficult to eat and drink. This can also lead to weight loss.

How did my husband find out he had throat cancer?

They had no idea why he contracted throat cancer. He wasn’t a smoker. For about six months, her husband John complained about a sore throat and an earache that came and went. “We can’t find anything wrong with you”, they said. But then he lost his energy, felt a lot more pain, had what looked like a swelling under his chin and lost weight rapidly.

What was the title of the movie about throat cancer?

After seven chemotherapy cycles and 35 days of radiation, I sat in my bedroom thinking about what words best described my seven-week treatment journey for throat cancer. I decided the movie title “The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly” summed it up best.

• Try chewing sugar-free gum or suck on sugar free candies. • Cut food into small pieces.

Is it normal to have mucous in throat after radiation?

Everyone says the mucous WILL go away, just takes time 🙂 The mucous or phlegm (“flem”) is extremely common with radiation treatment. I did 35 daily doses of radiation on three targeted areas (tongue and either side of neck). For me, the mucous was the worst side effect (other than pain swallowing).

How long does it take for throat cancer to heal?

This can also lead to weight loss. The sores and ulcers heal with time after the radiation cycles are completed, but some patients complain of swallowing problems even months or years after their treatment is complete. Swallowing exercises and supplements can provide some relief in such cases.

When did excessive mucous production in throat after rads stop?

Then about 5 weeks after rads it stopped, almost overnight. During the last 2 weeks I got a suction device and it helped me sleep as I could clean my mouth easily and thoroughly. The baking soda/salt mixture helps even though you don’t think so, keep doing it several times a day. How far out of treatment are you?

When is Week 3 of radiotherapy for throat cancer?

Aware goinf into week 3 next and potentially when more sied effects will kick in but will have to deal with as and when they arise. Will post another weekly update next week , good and bad and hope helps someone in similar circumstances. Happy to answer any questions based on my own personal journey.

How are the side effects of throat cancer treatment?

Well end of week 3 now and the initial 2 week honeymoon period with treatment is over as side effects really started to kick in this week from around Wed onwards. Tongue feels quite swollen and buring at back of mouth and gums sore where teeth removed. Sore to swallow or even yawn.

How long does it take to recover from throat cancer?

I am now 3 weeks post treatment for HPV+ throat cancer (33 rads + 2 rounds cisplatin). I was an extremely fit 50 going in to treatment but had severe reactions to the cisplatin. As a result I was nauseous for much of my treatment and lost 30 lbs. of muscle.

When did I find out I had throat cancer?

Hello Will Dove – you had the exact treatment that I had in Feb/March of this at year at Sunnybrook. Officially as of yesterday I am CANCER FREE and the treatment worked, however not without serious long term side effects that will be the “new normal” because “normal” before this journey will never be again.

Where did Michael Douglas get treatment for throat cancer?

But he embarked on an education process, going online to do research and eventually choosing treatment at the University of California, San Francisco Comprehensive Cancer Center, instead of a local hospital.

What are the risks of long term use of Xanax?

A major risk of long-term use of benzos is addiction. That means you may become dependent on these meds and that you have to keep increasing the dose to get the same effect. Actually benzos, especially Xanax, have street value because of the pleasant feeling they induce.

What happens to your throat after throat cancer treatment?

Rehabilitation after treatment Treatment for throat cancer often causes complications that may require working with specialists to regain the ability to swallow, eat solid foods and talk. During and after throat cancer treatment, your doctor may have you seek help for: The care of a surgical opening in your throat (stoma) if you had a tracheotomy

When did I start taking Xanax for insomnia?

In August 2015, I was prescribed Xanax for insomnia caused by the intense pain of dry eye syndrome. Within a few weeks of taking a “low dose” of Xanax (0.25 mg nightly), I developed a tremor and severe anxiety.

What kind of drugs are used to treat throat cancer?

As an example, the drug Cetuximab (Erbitux) is one targeted therapy approved for treating throat cancer in certain situations. Cetuximab stops the action of a protein that’s found in many types of healthy cells, but is more prevalent in certain types of throat cancer cells.

How are scopes used to diagnose throat cancer?

A tiny camera at the end of the endoscope transmits images to a video screen that your doctor watches for signs of abnormalities in your throat. Another type of scope (laryngoscope) can be inserted in your voice box. It uses a magnifying lens to help your doctor examine your vocal cords.