What are the side effects of liquid marijuana?

What are the side effects of liquid marijuana?

And like any other form of marijuana, liquid THC comes with its risks, Dr. Agarwal says. Those risks include extreme paranoia and psychosis (hearing voices, seeing things). Injuries can also happen when you’re under the influence, thanks to side effects like very slow reactions, difficulty concentrating, rapid heart rate, and vision changes.

Can you make a drink out of liquid marijuana?

Liquid Marijuana is a sweet fruity cocktail drink. The gorgeous green color of this punch attracts every cocktail lover. It is very simple to make this drink within a short time. This drink is best for enjoying parties with friends. Take a cocktail shaker, add some ice cubes.

What does THC stand for in liquid marijuana?

It’s actually called “liquid THC.” The THC stands for tetrahydrocannabinol, which is the component in cannabis that gives it its psychoactive affects. The liquid can either be bought in cartridges or extracted from a marijuana plant (a method that can actually be dangerous —more on that later).

What kind of oil is in marijuana sativa?

Simply put, cannabis oil is the concentrated liquid extract of the marijuana plant, Cannabis sativa. Similar to other herbal extracts, the chemicals in cannabis oils vary depending on how the extract is made and what chemicals were in the plant to begin with.

What’s the difference between Marinol and marijuana sativa?

Marinol is an FDA-approved medication with dronabinol, a synthetic form of THC (delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol), as its active ingredient. THC is a natural component of the marijuana plant, Cannabis sativa, and it’s psychoactive, which means it attaches to chemical receptors in your brain and produces a feeling of euphoria, or what we call a “high”.

And like any other form of marijuana, liquid THC comes with its risks, Dr. Agarwal says. Those risks include extreme paranoia and psychosis (hearing voices, seeing things). Injuries can also happen when you’re under the influence, thanks to side effects like very slow reactions, difficulty concentrating, rapid heart rate, and vision changes.

What kind of medicine can you get from marijuana?

GW Pharmaceuticals’ Sativex is currently used to treat spasticity (muscle spasms and stiffness) caused by multiple sclerosis. It is composed of two compounds found in marijuana: THC and cannabidiol, or CBD, which isn’t psychoactive.

It’s actually called “liquid THC.” The THC stands for tetrahydrocannabinol, which is the component in cannabis that gives it its psychoactive affects. The liquid can either be bought in cartridges or extracted from a marijuana plant (a method that can actually be dangerous —more on that later).