What are the most common shoulder problems in older adults?

What are the most common shoulder problems in older adults?

If crepitus or grinding occurs when moving the arm against resistance, osteoarthritis is the likely diagnosis. If both active and passive movement is restricted, frozen shoulder or osteoarthritis are the likely diagnoses. X-ray can help distinguish between the two conditions. Shoulder pain is common in older adults.

When to know if you have a shoulder problem?

If pain occurs at 60-120° of abduction, a rotator cuff problem – either tendinitis/impingement or a tear – is the likely diagnosis. Passively abduct the patient’s arm to 90° and ask the patient to hold the arm in that position when you let go.

What causes pain in the shoulder and arm?

And bone spurs can form at the joint, damaging the rotator cuff tendons. A sudden tear will usually cause intense pain in your shoulder and immediate weakness in your upper arm. Tears due to repetitive use may cause shoulder pain and arm weakness over time.

What to do about shoulder pain in older adults?

In addition, common treatment options appropriate for older patients are also discussed. Patients with rotator cuff tendinitis or impingement often notice pain when reaching overhead, such as when putting on a sweater or placing a dish in a cupboard. They may also find it painful to sleep on the affected side.

Are there any shoulder problems in the elderly?

Shoulder Problems in the Elderly. Weakness of the shoulder and arm is often present, along with a snapping sensation of movement. Symptoms of a chronic rotator cuff tear include a gradual worsening of pain, weakness, and stiffness or loss of motion. Most people with rotator cuff tendon tears have pain at night.

How often do you get pain in your shoulder?

Many of you might have experienced some discomfort in the shoulder or sudden shoulder pain at some point in your life. Shoulder pain without injury is very common in the US. Around 67% of US people experience sudden shoulder pain at some point in their lives. The shoulder is one of the most mobile joints of your body.

How to diagnose shoulder pain in younger patients?

For example, the differential diagnosis for shoulder pain in a younger patient is more likely to include shoulder instability, traumatic and atraumatic shoulder dislocation/subluxation, and symptomatic labral pathology.

What causes sudden pain in the right shoulder?

1 Rotator Cuff Tendonitis. This is one of the most common reasons for sudden shoulder pain. 2 Rotator Cuff Tears. Sudden shoulder pain can also be due to Rotator Cuff tear. 3 Frozen Shoulder. 4 Bursitis. 5 Shoulder Dislocation. 6 Labral Tears. 7 Clavicle Fracture. 8 Heart Attack. 9 Arthritis.