What are the major diseases of the cerebellum?

What are the major diseases of the cerebellum?

Neurological diseases that feature cerebellar degeneration include:ischemic or hemorrhagic stroke, when there is lack of blood flow or oxygen to the cerebellumcerebellar cortical atrophy, multisystem atrophy, and olivopontocerebellar degeneration, progressive degenerative disorders in which cerebellar degeneration is a …

What are the symptoms of a damaged cerebellum?

Damage to the cerebellum can lead to: 1) loss of coordination of motor movement (asynergia), 2) the inability to judge distance and when to stop (dysmetria), 3) the inability to perform rapid alternating movements (adiadochokinesia), 4) movement tremors (intention tremor), 5) staggering, wide based walking (ataxic gait …

How does the cerebellum affect behavior?

The primary role of the cerebellum has traditionally thought to comprise balance and motor control. However, studies have been emerging that support multiple functions of the cerebellum including emotion regulation, inhibiting impulsive decision making, attention, and working memory (1–5).

How do I keep my cerebellum healthy?

Eat a healthy diet: All parts of your body can benefit from a healthy diet. Focus on fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, nuts, seeds, fish, and lean meat. Limit alcohol consumption: Drinking too much alcohol can damage your cerebellum. It can also increase your risk of stroke.

How is cerebellar ataxia treated?

There’s no treatment specifically for ataxia. In some cases, treating the underlying cause resolves the ataxia, such as stopping medications that cause it. In other cases, such as ataxia that results from chickenpox or other viral infections, it’s likely to resolve on its own.

What do you need to know about cerebellum degeneration?

Answer. Cerebellar degeneration refers to the deterioration of neurons (nerve cells) in the cerebellum (the area of the brain that controls muscle coordination and balance). Conditions that cause cerebellar degeneration may also affect other areas of the central nervous system, such as the spinal cord, the cerebral cortex…

What kind of diseases can cause cerebellar degeneration?

Diseases that cause cerebellar degeneration can also involve other areas of the central nervous system, including the spinal cord, medulla oblongata, cerebral cortex, and brain stem.

Can a sign of cerebellar degeneration be reversible?

In acquired (non-genetic and non-inherited) forms of cerebellar degeneration, some signs and symptoms may be reversible with treatment of the underlying cause. For example, paraneoplastic cerebellar degeneration may improve after successful treatment of the underlying cancer.

What is the long term outlook for cerebellar degeneration?

The long-term outlook for people with cerebellar degeneration varies depending on its underlying cause. The long-term outlook for people with cerebellar degeneration varies depending on its underlying cause. The long-term outlook for people with cerebellar degeneration varies depending on its underlying cause.

What happens when the cerebellum is damaged?

Damage to the cerebellum may result in difficulty with motor control. Individuals may have problems maintaining balance, tremors, lack of muscle tone, speech difficulties, lack of control over eye movement, difficulty in standing upright, and an inability to perform accurate movements. The cerebellum may become damaged due to a number of factors.

Is their a cure for cerebellar degeneration?

There is no cure for hereditary forms of cerebellar degeneration. Treatment is usually supportive and is based on the person’s symptoms. For example, drugs may be prescribed to ease gait abnormalities. Physical therapy can strengthen muscles.

What is shrinking cerebellum disease?

The actual name is Spinocerebellar Degeneration or it could also be called Spinocerebellar Ataxia. It involves the shrinking of the cerebellum. It involves the shrinking of the cerebellum. It affects movement of the body, talking, eating, vision, and everyday chores.

Does cerebellar atrophy cause cancer?

Physicians assume, based on their observations, that the cause of atrophy of the cerebellar cortex can be various kinds of intoxication, the development of cancer tumors, as well as progressive paralysis. But, as unfortunate as it sounds, in most cases it is not possible to determine the etiology of the process.