What are the different types of inhalants used?

What are the different types of inhalants used?

Nitrites are a special class of inhalants. While other inhalants are used to alter mood, organic nitrites are used primarily as sexual enhancers. Organic nitrites include amyl, butyl, and cyclohexyl nitrites and other related compounds, and are commonly known as “poppers.”

What kind of drugs are inhaled into the lungs?

The term inhalants typically refers to drugs like nitrous oxide (laughing gas) or recreational abuse of solvents, paint, and other fumes from industrial products that are not designed for human consumption. What happens when inhalants reach the lungs?

What are the side effects of inhaling a drug?

Any intoxicating substance can cause serious side effects and long-lasting harm. The term inhalants typically refers to drugs like nitrous oxide (laughing gas) or recreational abuse of solvents, paint, and other fumes from industrial products that are not designed for human consumption.

Why are nitrites considered a special class of inhalants?

Other household or commercial products containing gases include butane lighters, propane tanks, and refrigerants. Nitrites often are considered a special class of inhalants. Unlike most other inhalants, which act directly on the central nervous system (CNS), nitrites act primarily to dilate blood vessels and relax the muscles.

What are the 4 types of inhalants?

There are four main types of inhalants: volatile solvents, gases, aerosols, and nitrites. Volatile solvents, gases, and aerosols can alter moods and create a high. Nitrites are believed to create sexual stimulation and enhancement.

What do inhalants do to the body?

Inhalant use can cause damage to the heart, kidneys, brain, liver, bone marrow and other organs. Inhalants starve the body of oxygen and force the heart to beat irregularly and more rapidly.

What are inhalants classified as?

Most inhalants fall into one of three main categories: aerosols, solvents, or gases. Among the most popular types of inhalant are gasoline, spray paint, hairspray, paint thinners, and glues. Aerosols are one of the most common types of inhalant, as well as one of the easiest to obtain.

Is inhalants a stimulant?

While inhalants aren’t stimulants or depressants, they can cause depressive or stimulating effects. Inhalants temporarily deprive the body of oxygen. The heart reacts by beating faster and increasing blood flow to the brain, according to the Center for Substance Abuse Research.