What are the common contraindications for facial treatment?

What are the common contraindications for facial treatment?

Contraindications to the treatment are: 1 Epilepsy 2 Diabetes 3 Allergic reactions to a particular product 4 Herpes 5 Pregnancy and Lactation 6 Fever 7 Presence of open wounds on the skin

What are the different types of contraindications in medicine?

There are two types of contraindications: Relative contraindication means that caution should be used when two drugs or procedures are used together. (It is acceptable to do so if the benefits outweigh the risk.)

What are the indications, precautions, precautions and contraindications?

a) Adequate vaccination for measles, mumps and rubella for health care personnel born during or after 1957 (62 years of age or younger) consists of two doses of MMR. b) Breastfeeding is a contraindication to MMR vaccination of either the woman or the breastfeeding child.

Are there any drugs that are contraindicated in pregnancy?

Contraindication. For example, isotretinoin, a drug used to treat acne is absolutely contraindicated in pregnancy due to the risk of birth defects. Certain decongestants are contraindicated in people with high blood pressure and should be avoided. Many medicines should not be used together by the same person.

Which is the best definition of a contraindication?

Contraindications (conditions in a recipient that increases the risk for a serious adverse reaction) and precautions to vaccination are conditions under which vaccines should not be administered.

a) Adequate vaccination for measles, mumps and rubella for health care personnel born during or after 1957 (62 years of age or younger) consists of two doses of MMR. b) Breastfeeding is a contraindication to MMR vaccination of either the woman or the breastfeeding child.

Are there any contraindications for using waxing products?

CAUTION: If you are currently using any of the following, please inform your technician. These products can make the skin more sensitive. Thin, sensitive skin is more vulnerable to lifting and sensitivity during waxing. PRECAUTIONS & CONSIDERATIONS: Please read these valuable guidelines.

What are the contraindications for a facial treatment?

Contraindications. Contraindications that PREVENT a facial treatment: Viruses such as colds, cold sores, warts, Bacterial infections such as impetigo, boils, conjunctivitis, styes, Fungal infections such as ringworm, blepharitis, Undiagnosed lumps or swelling, Broken bones, known sensitivity or allergy to products.