What are randomly toxic friends?

What are randomly toxic friends?

“Drama is a very big thing when we talk about toxic friends,” Neo said. “A toxic friend tends to be someone who sucks us in either by being very amazing, very grandiose, or by being this sad creature that needs our help.” Whatever their story, you can guarantee you’ll hear about it, or worse, get dragged into it.

How do you know if your friend doesn’t care about you?

A good friend will encourage you to try new things and push you to go for the things they know you want. However, one of the signs your friend doesn’t care about you is when they discourage you or tell you that it wouldn’t work or it’s a waste of time. Basically they’re scared you’re going to do better than them.

Why is it difficult to be friends with someone?

Relating to someone is difficult when you don’t have a clear sense of who they are. Support from friends can make a big difference in times of distress. True friends make an effort to help out whenever possible. Feeling unsure whether you can actually turn to someone when you need them, on the other hand, provides little relief.

Who was the guy that got mean to his friends?

An old friend of mine once dated someone who’d get mean and nasty, mostly to her, but also to her friends. She’d explain how he’d had a difficult childhood, and that she wouldn’t walk out on him like everyone else had.

When to save timeout for violent talk?

And I would save the timeouts for when the kid has actually hurt someone, or is out of control and on the brink of doing so; in that case the goal is to separate the combatants and for everyone to take a breather and calm down.

Is it normal for a preschooler to say violent things?

This is a normal, developmentally appropriate preschooler thing, especially in boys, and yes, he will outgrow it. Eventually. (My preschooler daughter now says this sort of thing more often than my first grader son.) There’s no point in punishment as far as I can tell.