What are parts of the foot called?

What are parts of the foot called?

The foot is divided into three sections – the forefoot, the midfoot and the hindfoot.

What’s the top of the foot called?


  • Talus – the bone on top of the foot that forms a joint with the two bones of the lower leg, the tibia and fibula.
  • Calcaneus – the largest bone of the foot, which lies beneath the talus to form the heel bone.
  • Tarsals – five irregularly shaped bones of the midfoot that form the foot’s arch.

What is a high instep foot?

A high arch, also called cavus foot, is when the arch of your foot is raised more than normal. It’s the opposite of flat feet. The arch is located on the bottom of your foot and runs from the toes all the way to your heel. It’s common to discover high arches in the teenage years.

How do I determine my instep?

How to determine foot arch type

  1. NORMAL ARCH (MEDIUM) If the middle part of your arch is about half filled, this means you have a normal arch.
  2. FLAT ARCH (LOW) If your footprint looks like a complete foot, then you have a flat arch.
  3. HIGH ARCH (LOW) If you see little of your footprint, you likely have high arches.

What is the main function of the foot?

The foot is subdivided into the rearfoot, midfoot, and forefoot. It functions as a rigid structure for weight bearing and it can also function as a flexible structure to conform to uneven terrain. The foot and ankle provide various important functions which includes: Supporting body weight.

What is back of foot called?

The two bones that make up the back part of the foot (sometimes referred to as the hindfoot) are the talus and the calcaneus, or heel bone. The talus is connected to the calcaneus at the subtalar joint.

What is foot dorsum?

The dorsum of foot is the area facing upwards while standing.

How do I know if I have a high instep?

If you see little of your footprint, you likely have high arches. High arches may contribute to excessive strain on joints and muscles. Your feet may not absorb shock well, especially if you perform a lot of impact or jumping activities.

Which is part of the foot forms the instep?

The instep is the top portion of the foot between the toes and ankles. It forms the large arch on the sole of the foot. Its shape is formed by the tibialis anterior from the top and various ligaments in the sole of the foot from the bottom.

What makes up the anatomy of the foot and ankle?

With a good grasp of foot anatomy it readily becomes apparent which surgical approaches can be used to access various areas of the foot and ankle. There are a variety of anatomical structures that make up the anatomy of the foot and ankle (Figure 1) including bones, joints, ligaments, muscles, tendons, and nerves.

What causes pain in the instep of the foot?

Among the causes of pain in the instep of the most common feet, we find: A common condition that can present pain in the instep of the foot is known as tendonitis , which is the inflammation of some of the extensor tendons that make up this complex structure of the foot.

What are the muscles at the top of the foot?

The muscles at the top of the foot fan out to supply the individual toes. The tendons are thick bands that connect muscles to bones. When the muscles tighten (contract) they pull on the tendons, which in turn move the bones. Arguably, the most important tendon is the Achilles tendon, which allows the calf muscles to move the ankle joint.

Where is the instep of the foot located?

Anatomically, the instep is located on the top of the foot. It is composed of 28 bones and corresponds particularly to the bones: Scaphoid. First wedge. Second wedge. Third wedge. Cuboid. On the other hand, it has 9 extensor tendons that allow you to pull the toes upwards and that come from the leg.

What are the names of the bones in the hindfoot?

The clinical names for these bones are the navicular, cuboid, and medial, intermediate, and lateral cuneiforms. Together they form the arch of the foot, which is key for weight-bearing. Hindfoot: There are only two large bones in this section of the foot: the talus and the calcaneus.

Which is the best description of the anatomy of the foot?

Anatomy of the foot 1 Calcaneus (heel bone) 2 Talus (ankle bone) 3 Transverse tarsal joint 4 Navicular bone 5 Lateral cuneiform bone 6 Intermediate cuneiform bone 7 Medial cuneiform bone 8 Metatarsal bones 9 Proximal phalanges 10 Distal phalanges 11 Tarsometatarsal joint 12 Cuboid More

Among the causes of pain in the instep of the most common feet, we find: A common condition that can present pain in the instep of the foot is known as tendonitis , which is the inflammation of some of the extensor tendons that make up this complex structure of the foot.