What are four 4 factors that influence the susceptibility of a host?

What are four 4 factors that influence the susceptibility of a host?

Susceptibility and response to an agent are influenced by factors such as genetic composition, nutritional and immunologic status, anatomic structure, presence of disease or medications, and psychological makeup.

When is the host susceptibility to bacterial infection higher?

Host Susceptibility Resistance to bacterial infections is enhanced by phagocytic cells and an intact immune system. Initial resistance is due to nonspecific mechanisms. Specific immunity develops over time. Susceptibility to some infections is higher in the very young and the very old and in immunosuppressed patients.

What is susceptibility meaning?

1 : the quality or state of being susceptible especially : lack of ability to resist some extraneous agent (such as a pathogen or drug) : sensitivity. 2a : a susceptible temperament or constitution. b susceptibilities plural : feelings, sensibilities.

How are host factors related to virus susceptibility?

Potentially, polymorphisms of any genes encoding host factors that interact with a virus could contribute to individual viral susceptibility. Host genetic polymorphisms that affect the response of viral infection have been studied for only a few viruses.

Why do some people have a susceptibility to infection?

some people have a genetic susceptibility to certain diseases stress the nature, number, and duration of physical and emotional stressors can influence susceptibility to infection nutriction because antibodies are proteins, the ability to synthesize antibodies may be impaired by inadequate nutriction YOU MIGHT ALSO LIKE…

Who is the susceptible host in the chain of infection?

The ability of the body to defend itself against infection is called ‘immunity’. People such as these are ‘susceptible hosts’ – meaning they are vulnerable to developing infection when their bodies are invaded by germs.

How are susceptibility and response to an agent influenced?

Susceptibility and response to an agent are influenced by factors such as genetic composition, nutritional and immunologic status, anatomic structure, presence of disease or medications, and psychological makeup. Environment refers to extrinsic factors that affect the agent and the opportunity for exposure.

What are factors that increase susceptibility to infection?

Factors that may increase susceptibility to infection by disrupting host defenses include malnutrition, alcoholism, and disease or therapy that impairs the nonspecific immune response. Implications for public health. Knowledge of the portals of exit and entry and modes of transmission provides a basis for determining appropriate control measures.

How is host susceptibility affected by many factors?

Host susceptibility is affected by many factors such as nutritional status, intercurrent disease, pregnancy, immunosuppressive drugs and malignancy.

How is host susceptibility to severe influenza A virus infection?

Some demographic factors (pregnancy, obesity, and advanced age) appear to confer a more specific susceptibility to severe illness following infection with influenza viruses. As with other infectious diseases, a substantial component of susceptibility is determined by host genetics.

What makes a person more susceptible to a virus?

Multiple innate factors (e.g., age, nutritional status, genetics, immune competency, and pre-existing chronic diseases) and external variables (e.g., concurrent drug therapy) influence the overall susceptibility of a person exposed to a virus.