Under what circumstances should this patient be referred to an endocrinologist for treatment?

Under what circumstances should this patient be referred to an endocrinologist for treatment?

Indications for referral to an endocrinologist include any of the following : A nodular thyroid, suspicious thyroid nodules, or compressive symptoms (eg, dysphagia) Pregnancy (or planned pregnancy) Underlying cardiac disorders or other endocrine disorders.

When should a patient with hypothyroidism be referred to an endocrinologist?

If you have hypothyroidism and your symptoms have not gotten better with treatment: If you’ve been taking medication to replace your thyroid hormone for an extended period of time but your symptoms persist, it may be reasonable to see an endocrinologist for a second opinion.

When do children need to see an endocrinologist?

Children who are not growing as tall as their peers may need to see an endocrinologist to determine if they have a growth hormone deficiency. A diagnosis of type-1 diabetes, also called juvenile diabetes, may require a visit to a pediatric endocrinologist 1.

What kind of Doctor is an endocrinologist?

An endocrinologist is a medical doctor that specializes in the area of studying the endocrine system–the system of glands in your body and associated hormones that the glands produce. Pediatric endocrinologists are physicians that not only practice endocrinology, but have expertise in treating children who need this type of specialized care.

How does an endocrinologist treat Addison disease?

Symptoms include weight loss, muscle weakness, fatigue, low blood pressure, and sometimes darkening of the skin. Treatment of Addison disease involves replacing, or substituting, the hormones that the adrenal glands are not making. Diabetes is a chronic condition characterized by high levels of sugar (glucose) in the blood.

Which is the most common endocrine disorder in women?

Endocrinology involves a wide range of systems within the human body. The endocrine tissues include the adrenal gland, hypothalamus, ovaries, and testes. There are three broad groups of endocrine disorders. Polycystic ovary syndrome is the most common endocrine disorder in women. What is the endocrine system?