Is there a hard lump in my stomach?

Is there a hard lump in my stomach?

Large hard lump in abdomen. Cancer medhelp. Large soft lump in abdomen only visible when i lay down. Upon sitting or laying down the lump does protrude suggest treatment for lump in abdomen and stomach. Lump in stomach.

When do you feel a mass in your abdomen?

Although you may feel a lump (mass) in your tummy (abdomen), the mass is often first felt by a doctor examining your abdomen for a different symptom, such as abdominal pain. Therefore, in the first instance, you are more likely to be aware of a mass caused by a problem with your gut (bowel)…

Can a lump in the abdomen be a hernia?

Feelings of pressure or weakness in the abdomen can be symptoms of a hernia. The symptoms that a person may experience alongside an abdominal lump depend on the underlying cause. Often the cause will be a hernia. There are different types of hernia, each with distinct symptoms. A person with an inguinal hernia may notice:

What causes a lump on the left side of the abdomen?

Possible Causes Of Abdominal Lumps. The liver may enlarge as a whole due to inflammation, like in people who have hepatitis, or a lump may grow on one part of the liver. Masses involving the liver are usually found in the right upper portion of the abdomen, but may extend to the middle or left side of the abdomen.

Large hard lump in abdomen. Cancer medhelp. Large soft lump in abdomen only visible when i lay down. Upon sitting or laying down the lump does protrude suggest treatment for lump in abdomen and stomach. Lump in stomach.

Although you may feel a lump (mass) in your tummy (abdomen), the mass is often first felt by a doctor examining your abdomen for a different symptom, such as abdominal pain. Therefore, in the first instance, you are more likely to be aware of a mass caused by a problem with your gut (bowel)…

What kind of hernia can cause a lump in the abdomen?

There are several types of hernias. Three kinds of hernias can produce a noticeable lump. An inguinal hernia occurs when there is a weakness in the abdominal wall and a part of the intestine or other soft tissue protrudes through it.

What causes a hard lump after abdominal surgery?

After surgery, the abdominal wall is closed; however, weight gain, pregnancy, or excessive activity too soon after the procedure can result in an increase in abdominal pressure and stretching of the incision. This makes it easy for contents to protrude through the incision, resulting in a hernia.