Is surgery for spinal stenosis successful?

Is surgery for spinal stenosis successful?

Success Rates of Lumbar Laminectomy for Spinal Stenosis The success rate of a lumbar laminectomy to alleviate leg pain from spinal stenosis is generally favorable. Research suggests: 85% to 90% of lumbar central spinal stenosis patients find relief from leg pain after an open laminectomy surgery.

Can spinal stenosis return after surgery?

Years after decompression (lumbar laminectomy), lumbar stenosis can come back (the bone can grow back) at the same level, or a new level can become stenotic and cause back pain or leg pain. Pain that is relieved right after surgery but then returns abruptly is often due to a recurrent lumbar disc herniation.

Can you get x-stop surgery for spinal stenosis?

Medicare and most insurance carriers typically cover this procedure. The X-STOP device addresses the symptoms of spinal stenosis in the lumbar spine, but unlike laminectomy it does not remove parts of the wall of the spinal canal. The X-STOP implantation procedure is therefore considered an indirect decompression.

How does the X-Stop spinal implant work?

How the X-STOP works. The X-STOP, which stands for “Interspinous Process Decompression System”, is a titanium implant that is inserted into the back at the lumbar spine segment that has symptomatic spinal stenosis (narrowing of the boney canal which can cause crowding of the nerve roots).

How long does X stop back surgery take?

The X STOP device may be implanted at one or two levels of the lumbar spine. The procedure is performed under local anesthesia with the patient positioned on their side. The surgery takes between 45 minutes to an hour-and-a-half. Most patients with lumbar spinal stenosis are successfully treated nonoperatively.

What kind of surgery is done for spinal stenosis?

The X-STOP is a minimally invasive surgical procedure designed to alleviate painful symptoms of lumbar spinal stenosis.

How is the X stop used to treat spinal stenosis?

The X-STOP is a minimally invasive surgical procedure designed to alleviate painful symptoms of lumbar spinal stenosis. The device is inserted into the back of the spine to prevent a patient from bending too far backward at the narrowed segment, a position that for patients with spinal stenosis can cause leg pain (sciatica) and/or lower back pain.

How long is the X Stop surgery procedure?

The surgical procedure to insert the X-STOP is short relative to more extensive types of back surgery sometimes recommended for lumbar spinal stenosis, such as a laminectomy or a laminectomy plus fusion and typically ranges from about 30 minutes to one hour. Who is a Candidate for X-STOP Surgery?

How the X-STOP works. The X-STOP, which stands for “Interspinous Process Decompression System”, is a titanium implant that is inserted into the back at the lumbar spine segment that has symptomatic spinal stenosis (narrowing of the boney canal which can cause crowding of the nerve roots).

How is the X Stop spacer insertion done?

Insertion of the X-STOP spacer for spinal stenosis pain relief is a fairly straightforward surgical procedure and can be done in an operating room or specialty room at the hospital. The X-STOP Surgery. The surgical approach to the spine is from the back with the patient typically lying on his or her side or belly on the operating table.