Is separated spouse responsible for medical bills?

Is separated spouse responsible for medical bills?

Generally speaking, when a legal separation legally ends the marriage, ex-spouses are not responsible for paying medical bills accrued during this time. The problem, however, is that not all states recognize legal separation; therefore, they legally see the divorcing couples as still married.

How do I get my ex husband to pay medical bills?

If your ex-spouse won’t pay his share of your child’s medical expenses, your best option is to request reimbursement through family court.

Are medical bills community property?

In most cases in California, a spouse is responsible for all the bills, including medical, of their late partner. California is one of the few states that’s a “community property” state and so most debt accumulated by a married person is a “marital obligation” with liability for both people.

What do I have to pay my wife if we separate?

If you’re married or in a civil partnership you can ask for financial support from your ex-partner as soon as you separate. This is known as ‘spousal maintenance’ and is a regular payment to help you pay bills and other living costs. You can’t get spousal maintenance if you weren’t married or in a civil partnership.

Can a husband sue his ex-wife for medical bills?

Your husband may have grounds to file a lawsuit against his ex-wife for violation of the divorce decree, since he and his ex agreed that they would be equally responsible for their children’s medical care. He also may have a cause of action against her since she claimed him as the responsible party when he was not the responsible party.

Who is responsible for the medical bills of the other spouse?

While the general rule is that one spouse is not liable for the other spouses’ medical bills, there are indeed exceptions that would make the other spouse responsible for payment. If this is an issue or potential issue, you may want to consult with an attorney in your area.

How did my ex stick me with our kids’medical bills?

My husband was not only stuck with paying his second wife’s child’s medical bills, but was forced into bankruptcy and taxes on his 401K that he had to access to pay for those bills. He wasn’t married, nor was it his child.

Who is responsible for ex husband’s or ex wife’s debts?

Ex-spouse Debts : Whether you are responsible for your ex-husband’s or ex-wife’s debts depends on the circumstances surrounding the issue, your state law and perhaps most importantly, who signed the credit contract. For instance, if your name is still on the credit contract then,…

Your husband may have grounds to file a lawsuit against his ex-wife for violation of the divorce decree, since he and his ex agreed that they would be equally responsible for their children’s medical care. He also may have a cause of action against her since she claimed him as the responsible party when he was not the responsible party.

While the general rule is that one spouse is not liable for the other spouses’ medical bills, there are indeed exceptions that would make the other spouse responsible for payment. If this is an issue or potential issue, you may want to consult with an attorney in your area.

Is the surviving spouse liable for medical bills?

This means, the surviving spouse, although indirectly could be affected financially. While the general rule is that one spouse is not liable for the other spouses’ medical bills, there are indeed exceptions that would make the other spouse responsible for payment.

My husband was not only stuck with paying his second wife’s child’s medical bills, but was forced into bankruptcy and taxes on his 401K that he had to access to pay for those bills. He wasn’t married, nor was it his child.