Is revenue Code same as CPT code?

Is revenue Code same as CPT code?

Revenue codes are used along with procedure codes like CPT codes (and sometimes HCPCS codes). It is because there are various procedures that may be performed either in an emergency room or operating room. In such a case, the procedure code (CPT/HCPCS) remains the same but the revenue code varies.

What is revenue Code 0300?

UB04 Revenue Codes 0300 in section: 030X – Laboratory.

What is Procedure Code 0270?

Facilities bill for supplies used to administer drugs with revenue code 0270, “Medical/Surgical Supplies.” The number of administrations is shown in the units field.

What is revenue Code 1002?

UB04 Revenue Codes 1002 in section: 100X – Behavioral Health Accommodations.

What are UB revenue codes?

Revenue codes are 4-digit numbers that are used on hospital bills to tell the insurance companies either where the patient was when they received treatment, or what type of item a patient might have received as a patient. A medical claim will not be paid if this is missing from a bill.

What is an example of a revenue Code?

An easy example to use here would be to match up CPT code 99282, which is for an emergency room visit of low to moderate severity, and revenue code 0450, which stands for the emergency room. It could be done in the emergency room; revenue code 0450. It could be done in a treatment room; that would be revenue code 0761.

What is the revenue Code?

In short, Revenue Codes are descriptions and dollar amounts charged for hospital services provided to a patient. The revenue code tells an insurance company whether the procedure was performed in the emergency room, operating room or another department.

What are CMS revenue codes?

Revenue Codes

  • 0020-0021 Reserved.
  • 0022 – Skilled Nursing Facility (SNF)
  • 0023 – Home Health.
  • 0024 – Inpatient Rehabilitation Facility (IRF)
  • 0025-0029 – Reserved.

What is revenue Code 0274?

Non-implantable orthotic and prosthetic devices furnished by an OPPS hospital or any other hospital are billed to you and paid under the Durable Medical Equipment, Prosthetic Orthotic and Supply (DMEPOS) fee schedule, and reported under revenue code 0274 with the appropriate HCPCS code.

What are the revenue codes?