Is ocular melanoma life threatening?

Is ocular melanoma life threatening?

Called “OM” for short, ocular melanoma is a malignant tumor that can grow and spread to other parts of the body – this process, known as metastasis, is often fatal and occurs in about half of all cases.

How can you prevent ocular melanoma?

Preventing eye cancer ACS recommends limiting exposure to intense sunlight, wearing protective clothing and hats in the sun, using sunscreen and wearing wraparound sunglasses with 99 percent to 100 percent UVA and UVB absorption to protect the eyes and the skin around the eyes.

Is there such a thing as ocular melanoma?

Ocular melanoma, also known as uveal or choroidal melanoma, is a rare disease, but is also the most common eye cancer found in adults. It is much less common than skin melanoma and the two diseases do not share a genetic makeup; however, both melanomas are produced from the same pigment-making cells in the body, which are called melanocytes.

Is it possible for skin melanoma to spread to the eye?

It is extremely rare for skin melanoma to spread into the eye and nearly unheard of for ocular melanoma to spread to the skin. Ocular melanoma may or may not cause symptoms. This generally depends on the exact location, size of the tumor within the eye, and if the tumor is causing secondary effects to the retina.

What are conditions that increase the risk of ocular melanoma?

Other conditions that increase the risk of developing ocular melanoma include atypical cutaneous nevi, common cutaneous nevi, cutaneous freckles, and iris nevi. Nevus or nevi are growths or marks on tissue such as the skin that are usually discolored and sometimes raised.

How big can a melanoma tumor in the eye be?

Your doctor will classify any found ocular melanoma tumor by the degree of pigmentation of the tumor, its shape and location, and by other features observed during the examination. The size of the tumor is a large factor in the treatment protocol: -Small: 1.0-2.5mm in height; greater than 5mm at the base.