Is it difficult to find a primary care physician?

Is it difficult to find a primary care physician?

But for many people, finding a primary care physician to see on a regular basis can be difficult. The research authors hope by drawing attention to the long-term benefits of primary care, medical and government officials can take steps to improve access to care.

When do you don’t understand what your doctor is saying?

When you don’t understand what your doctor is saying, speak up. “Mr. Smith, let’s review the results of your blood tests. Your CBC, BMP, and LFTs were basically negative. You have prediabetes and a slightly elevated LDL, and since your BMI is 28, you should watch your diet and exercise more to prevent metabolic syndrome.

When is it time to look for a new doctor?

Even if you like your doctor, a bad office staff could signal it’s time to look elsewhere. You don’t feel comfortable with your doctor. Doctors need to know intimate details you may not even share with friends or family members. If you’re unable to disclose such facts, you and your doctor may not be the right match.

Do you always need to talk to your doctor?

“Doctors have the best intent, but that doesn’t ensure they’ll always recognize a patient’s greatest need,” Boissy says. That’s why it’s important to take an active role when talking with your physician, says Dr. Ted Epperly, a clinical professor of family medicine at the University of Washington School of Medicine.

How often do patients talk to their doctors?

A more recent analysis found patients speak for an average of only 12 seconds before being interrupted by resident physicians. The problem when doctors don’t hear patients’ concerns isn’t just an interpersonal one.

How to maximize your time with a doctor?

1. Come prepared. This is the biggest thing patients can do to maximize the limited time they have with the doctor, says Cindi Gatton, a patient advocate and owner of Pathfinder Patient Advocacy Group in Atlanta. Know what you intend to talk about before you arrive for your appointment.

How to talk to your doctor about your concerns?

Know what you intend to talk about before you arrive for your appointment. Write down your concerns and questions, and make them specific. 2. Prioritize your concerns. Know that your doctor may not have time to answer all 50 of your questions, so ask them in order of importance.

How to choose the best primary care doctor?

If you have health insurance and you plan to choose an in-network doctor to keep your costs down, start by finding out which primary care physicians are covered by your plan in your area. Your insurance plan may allow you to work with a primary care doctor who is out of network, but at a higher cost.