Is it dangerous to have a low body temp?

Is it dangerous to have a low body temp?

Basically, when Hypothermia, that is a medical term referring to low body temperature, is not detected in the early stages (due to a common notion that some people feel more cold than others and there is no medical problem to such people), it may lead to advanced stages that can be dangerous.

Is it dangerous to have a body temp of 34.8?

Feverishness, when your temperature is between 37.8 – 37.9ºC. Hyperthermia or fever, when your temperature is 38ºC or higher. A body temperature of 34.8 – 35ºC in children can also be very dangerous and you should take them quickly to see their doctor or follow the necessary recommendations to raise their body temperature.

What does it mean when your body temperature is too high?

Human body temperature, whether too high or too low, can be indicative of a wide array of health concerns. Low body temperature — or hypothermia — is a body temperature dangerously below normal temperature. This health condition results from the body losing heat faster than it can produce heat.

What happens when your body temp drops below 95?

Hypothermia (hi-poe-THUR-me-uh) occurs as your body temperature falls below 95 F (35 C). When your body temperature drops, your heart, nervous system and other organs can’t work normally.

What temperature is fatal?

Body temperature can be fatal below 30 C (86 F) and above 40 C (104 F).

Is 99.1 considered a temp?

99.1 is a temperature but not a fever. A fever is anything greater than 100.4 orally.

Is 97.4 a normal temp?

97.4 is still a normal body temperature, especially if you take it orally. Oral temperatures often are a bit lower than core body temperature. You can check your rectal temperature which will be closer to core body temperature and most likely that is closer to 98.6 degrees F, but I hope you are feeling better this week.

Is low body temperature a problem?

A low body temperature indicates that you may be unwell and have some health problem. Low body temperature can cause you a number of problems such as fatigue, depression, anxiety and panic attacks, cold intolerance, insomnia, constipation, and more.