Is it dangerous to have a depressed spouse?

Is it dangerous to have a depressed spouse?

But the reasoning behind it is flawed and dangerous. Long-term depression is harder on your marriage, tougher to treat, and more likely to recur—plus, it leaves its victim in despair, Walfish says. The most chilling risk: It leaves open the very real possibility of suicide.

What happens when you have a partner with depression?

Those closest to someone living with depression can be a huge source of love, comfort, and support. But they can often feel enormous pressure. Couples face a higher chance of divorce when one or both partners has a mental health condition.

Why is my 32 year old son so depressed?

I think there is quite a lot for your son to be depressed about. Young men in their thirties should not still be living at home with their parents, however kind and well-meaning they are. He sees his younger brother and sister leave home and lead independent lives, leaving him behind.

How does depression affect your marriage and family?

Long-term depression is harder on your marriage, tougher to treat, and more likely to recur—plus, it leaves its victim in despair, Walfish says. The most chilling risk: It leaves open the very real possibility of suicide.

Do you have a 29 year old daughter with depression?

Before you can post or reply in these forums, please join our online community. Forum membership is open to anyone residing in Australia. Cancel The title field is required! Never having experienced serious depression I am struggling to cope with my 29 year old daughters anxiety/depression.

How long has my girlfriend been suffering from depression?

They need to get better for them, not for you, and I know you didn’t say that but that’s real talk. Sam is just absolute right, I’ve been with the same girlfriend for 8 years, helping her to cope with her anxiety and depression, which are not mild, in return I became a cranky]

Can a depressed partner feel like they are not there?

Suddenly a depressed partner can feel like they’re not there. Physically, they can be present, but emotionally there are no reactions, very little response of any kind. In their own minds, they’re becoming observers rather than participants in daily life.

How is my 22 year old son coping with depression?

‘He is always sad and fatigued.’ (Posed by model.) Photograph: Alamy M y 22-year-old son was recently was diagnosed with clinical depression. He is always sad and fatigued. This has been going on for about the past six months. He is seeing a therapist once a week, but he always seems spaced out and very quiet.