Is a separated spouse responsible for medical bills?

Is a separated spouse responsible for medical bills?

Generally speaking, when a legal separation legally ends the marriage, ex-spouses are not responsible for paying medical bills accrued during this time. The problem, however, is that not all states recognize legal separation; therefore, they legally see the divorcing couples as still married.

Who is responsible for bills after separation?

If one spouse is continuing to incur matrimonial debt in their own name after a separation, in most circumstances, both parties will still be jointly responsible for this debt.

Who is responsible for paying spouse’s medical bills?

Generally in community property states, debt incurred by a spouse for the benefit of the family is considered a “community” debt, and therefore the spouse is responsible for repaying that debt. Does medical debt benefit the community? At first glance, no it does not.

Do you have to pay your spouse’s medical bills after divorce?

Marital Status. If your state does hold you responsible for your spouse’s medical bills, an important distinction sometimes exists regarding your marital status. For example, in Virginia and Minnesota, if you and your spouse have separated, you’re not liable for his medical debts. It doesn’t matter if your divorce is final yet.

Can a spouse refuse to be responsible for medical debts?

One spouse in a marriage may believe that they will not have to be responsible for medical debts incurred by the other spouse. By refusing to be made a responsible party to the other spouse’s medical debts, at first glance, this may hold true.

Can a spouse be jointly liable for a medical bill?

Jointly and Severally Liable. In some jurisdictions, you may be “jointly and severally liable” for your spouse’s medical bills. In community property states, this is typically the case, and in the common-law states that consider medical bills joint debts, the law also uses this term.

Can a spouse refuse to be responsible for the other spouse’s medical bills?

By refusing to be made a responsible party to the other spouse’s medical debts, at first glance, this may hold true. Further, in certain circumstances, a spouse may not be held directly responsible for the other spouse’s medical bills.

What to do about a deceased spouse’s medical bills?

Look into all options for resolving debt, if you are stuck with the responsibility to pay it. If you signed an admission form that included guarantor language when your spouse received the medical services, then you promised to pay for your spouse’s debt if your spouse does not.

When do I have to pay my spouse’s medical bills?

For example, if your spouse has been admitted to the hospital, and you signed or acted as a co-signer on any documents that would obligate you for payment of any bills incurred during your spouse’s hospital stay, as a signer, you are responsible for payments. As a co-signer, you are responsible for payments if your spouse fails to pay the bills.

Who is liable for a spouse’s medical debt?

There is some overlap between the two, but in most states, one spouse is liable for the medical debts of the other. The doctrine of necessaries may make one spouse liable for the necessary expenses of the other.