Is a heterogeneous mass always cancer?

Is a heterogeneous mass always cancer?

Cancer is a heterogeneous disease. Practically from the moment pathologists first looked at human cancers under the microscope, they saw that differing histologic appearances could define distinct subtypes of cancers from the same primary site of origin.

What does heterogeneous mean in cancer?

Heterogeneity in cancer is defined as variations in the cell’s phenotype due to genetic or non-genetic factors. This can, again, be divided into inter-tumor and intra-tumor heterogeneity.

What does heterogeneous mass mean?

Heterogeneous refers to a structure with dissimilar components or elements, appearing irregular or variegated. For example, a dermoid cyst has heterogeneous attenuation on CT. It is the antonym for homogeneous, meaning a structure with similar components. Heterogenous refers to a structure having a foreign origin.

What are the characteristics of a cancerous hypoechoic mass?

Cancerous hypoechoic masses of the breast will typically have distinct characteristics, such as: 1 being deeper or taller than they are wide 2 having a duct extension 3 having both hypoechoic and hyperechoic lines radiating from its surface

Can a benign hypoechoic mass occur in the liver?

More than 20 percent of adults have a benign liver hypoechoic mass. They can occur in a healthy liver and may not cause symptoms. Some benign types are: A cluster of hypoechoic masses in the liver may be caused by cancer that has spread from another part of the body.

What kind of tumor is lower density than renal parenchyma?

Lesions that appear lower density than the renal parenchyma include renal cystic lesions, focal pyelonephritis, abscess, and papillary RCC; in such cases, where clinical history is not informative or may be confounding, MRI may aid in further differentiating among these benign and malignant diagnoses (Fig. 3). Open in a separate window

When do hypoechoic masses appear in the uterus?

Uterus. They show up as hypoechoic masses on an ultrasound. These benign tumors may occur in almost 70 percent of women by the age of 50. Fibroids are solid masses that are normally made up of fibrous connective tissue and smooth muscle. Most women with fibroids will have more than one.

What makes a tumor a heterogeneous mass?

All of these different and varying cells make the tumor itself heterogeneous and difficult to treat. Drug administration, one treatment option for cancer, does not kill all the different kinds of cancerous cells in a tumor.

More than 20 percent of adults have a benign liver hypoechoic mass. They can occur in a healthy liver and may not cause symptoms. Some benign types are: A cluster of hypoechoic masses in the liver may be caused by cancer that has spread from another part of the body.

What kind of liver lesion does my wife have?

My wife has a early enhancing 1.6 cm hypervascular liver lesion in the posterior segment of the right lobe. I anticipate My wife has a early enhancing 1.6 cm hypervascular liver…

Uterus. They show up as hypoechoic masses on an ultrasound. These benign tumors may occur in almost 70 percent of women by the age of 50. Fibroids are solid masses that are normally made up of fibrous connective tissue and smooth muscle. Most women with fibroids will have more than one.