How to know if you have lower left quadrant pain?

How to know if you have lower left quadrant pain?

Here are the common symptoms when you are experiencing lower left quadrant pain: 1 Tenderness in the lower left abdomen. 2 Abdominal swelling. 3 Bloody stools. 4 Fever. 5 Nausea. 6 (more items)

What are the symptoms of lower left abdominal pain?

Here are the common symptoms when you are experiencing lower left quadrant pain: Tenderness in the lower left abdomen. Abdominal swelling. Bloody stools. Fever. Nausea. Vomiting. Weight Loss.

What causes pain in the lower right quadrant of the abdomen?

Kidney stones and kidney infections. Other conditions that lead to lower back and abdominal pains include ovarian cyst, psoas abscess, rectus sheath hematoma and in rare cases, Henoch-Schonlein purpura. An acute or chronic pain in the lower right quadrant of the abdomen is defined as lower right abdominal pain.

What could cause pain in your lower left side?

In many cases, persistent pain specific to the lower left side of the abdomen is caused by diverticulitis. Diverticula are small pouches created from pressure on weak spots in the colon. Diverticula are common, and even more so after age 40.

What are the symptoms of left lower quadrant pain?

Left lower quadrant pain may accompany symptoms related to other body systems including: 1 Body aches 2 Fever 3 General ill feeling 4 Muscle spasms 5 Pain during sexual intercourse 6 Pain or burning with urination 7 Pain, numbness or tingling 8 Palpable mass in the abdomen or pelvic area 9 Rash 10 Unexplained weight loss

What causes pain on left side of abdomen?

Pain in the lower left side of the abdomen is called left lower quadrant pain. It is often related to the digestive tract, but can also be related to conditions of the body wall, skin, blood vessels, urinary tract, or reproductive organs. The area may be tender to the touch or the pain may be severe and the whole abdomen might be rigid.

What is the lower left quadrant of the abdomen?

The lower left quadrant of the abdomen contains the transverse, descending, and sigmoid sections of the colon; part of the small intestine; the ureter of the left kidney; and the iliac fossa (part of the hip bone and pelvis).

What causes pain on both sides of the LLQ?

Pelvic inflammatory disease 1 Pain is usually on both sides but may just be in the LLQ. 2 Pain is worse during sex. 3 There is abnormal bleeding, so bleeding not just at period time but in between periods and often after sex. 4 There is usually a vaginal discharge, which may be smelly.