How much sleep does the average teenager get?
How much sleep does the average teenager get?
How much sleep someone needs depends on their age. The American Academy of Sleep Medicine has recommended that children aged 6–12 years should regularly sleep 9–12 hours per 24 hours and teenagers aged 13–18 years should sleep 8–10 hours per 24 hours.
How many hours of sleep do teens get per night?
According to Johns Hopkins pediatrician Michael Crocetti, M.D., M.P.H. , teens need 9 to 9½ hours of sleep per night—that’s an hour or so more than they needed at age 10.
How much sleep do teens get a night?
Further, more than half (57%) of all teenagers surveyed do not feel they get enough sleep. Seventy-nine percent reported getting 7 hours of sleep or less on a typical school night, more than two-thirds (67%) say they only get 5 to 7 hours of sleep on a school night, and only about one in five teens is getting 8 hours of sleep or more.
How much sleep should a 13 year old get?
13–18 years: 8–10 hours per 24 hours 2: Adult: 18–60 years: 7 or more hours per night 3: 61–64 years: 7–9 hours 1: 65 years and older: 7–8 hours 1 . Although the amount of sleep you get each day is important, other aspects of your sleep also contribute to your health and well-being. Good sleep quality is also essential.
How much sleep should an adult get per night?
Adult. 18–60 years. 7 or more hours per night 3. 61–64 years. 7–9 hours 1. 65 years and older. 7–8 hours 1. Although the amount of sleep you get each day is important, other aspects of your sleep also contribute to your health and well-being. Good sleep quality is also essential.
How much sleep should a 2 year old get?
14–17 hours (National Sleep Foundation) 1. No recommendation (American Academy of Sleep Medicine) 2. Infant. 4–12 months. 12–16 hours per 24 hours (including naps) 2. Toddler. 1–2 years. 11–14 hours per 24 hours (including naps) 2. Preschool.