How much Avodart should I take for hair loss?

How much Avodart should I take for hair loss?

Dutasteride can be used off-label for the treatment of male and female pattern hair loss. It has been shown in studies to be more effective than finasteride when given at a dose of 2.5 mg daily.

Does Avodart stop hair loss?

Dutasteride (Avodart) is used to treat prostatic enlargement. While the FDA has not approved the drug to treat hair loss, physicians sometimes prescribe dutasteride off-label for male pattern baldness. Dutasteride works similarly to finasteride, but it may be more effective.

Can dutasteride be prescription for hair loss?

Since dutasteride is more effective at lowering DHT and is FDA-approved to treat benign prostatic hyperplasia (which is believed to be driven by DHT levels), it may be prescribed to treat both hair loss and BPH simultaneously (Nickel, 2004).

Is hair loss from beta blockers reversible?

The hair loss from propranolol is not permanent and is typically a result of the medication causing some hair follicles to enter their shedding phase prematurely.

Which is better for hair loss, dutasteride or Avodart?

Dutasteride is also known to be effective in treating female hair loss as well. While it is commonly used for hair loss and many people have seen positive results after taking the drug, Avodart is controversial due to the potentially harmful side effects that are associated with it. How Does Dutasteride Help with Hair Regrowth?

Can a man take Avodart for hair regrowth?

It should also be noted that balding older men who have taken Avodart to treat their enlarge prostates have sometimes noticed hair regrowth in areas of their scalps that have been totally barren for many decades. You can read some of these testimonials in several of the below links.

Can you use Avodart for prostatic hyperplasia?

Avodart blocks both (type 1 and type 2). Using Avodart to treat hair loss as opposed to prostatic hyperplasia is considered to be an off label application. However, research does confirm that Dutasteride does a much better job at improving hair loss conditions compared to Finasteride.

Are there any side effects to taking Avodart?

Although Avodart is known for having potential side effects that can be very dangerous, the drug has received many positive reviews from all types of users. Those who have seen the best results taking Avodart are on the 0.5mg pill.

Can a Celebrity take Avodart for hair loss?

However, you never ever hear of any major celebrity or athlete admitting to taking Avodart (Dutasteride) to tackle his or her hair loss. For one, Avodart has only been approved to treat hair loss in Japan and South Korea.

Dutasteride is also known to be effective in treating female hair loss as well. While it is commonly used for hair loss and many people have seen positive results after taking the drug, Avodart is controversial due to the potentially harmful side effects that are associated with it. How Does Dutasteride Help with Hair Regrowth?

How many men have used Avodart to regrow hair?

By now, there must surely be well over 100,000 men around the world who have used Avodart off-label to try to regrow hair. When the drug was first approved in 2002 to treat enlarged prostates, people on online hair loss forums went berserk with excitement and were more than willing to try using it to regrow hair.

Avodart blocks both (type 1 and type 2). Using Avodart to treat hair loss as opposed to prostatic hyperplasia is considered to be an off label application. However, research does confirm that Dutasteride does a much better job at improving hair loss conditions compared to Finasteride.