How long should you ice your head after hitting it?

How long should you ice your head after hitting it?

Put an ice pack or instant cold pack on the injured area for 20 minutes every 3–4 hours. If you use ice, always wrap it in a washcloth or sock. Ice placed right on bare skin can injure it.

What to do if you fall and hit Your Head on Ice?

Fell hit head and now have bump and flat spot next to bump. Hi again, Thank you for the information. I ‘m so sorry that you got hurt. Continue putting ice on the area. The bump may remain for a few days until … read more

When to go to the doctor after a hit on the head?

If you don’t wish to go to the doctors but the symptoms are still there, please call an ambulance and ask for advice about it.

What should I do after a head injury?

Use an ice pack, or put crushed ice in a plastic bag. Cover it with a towel before you apply it to your skin. Ice helps prevent tissue damage and decreases swelling and pain. Have someone stay with you for 24 hours , or as directed. This person can monitor you for problems and call for help if needed.

How did I cut the back of my head?

Several days ago I fell and cut open the back of my head. several days ago I fell and cut open the back of my head. However, did not seek medical attention so have no stitches. THere is a bump and a … read more I had a big chunk of ice hit the side of my head today. I I had a big chunk of ice hit the side of my head today. I feel okay.

What happens when you hit Your Head on Ice?

This past Saturday I went ice skating, fell & hit my head on the ice. I have the general bumps, bruises & aches, but my head has felt like I have a head cold since then. I believe it may be a concussi … read more

How often should you apply ice to a head injury?

Apply ice on your head for 15 to 20 minutes every hour or as directed. Use an ice pack, or put crushed ice in a plastic bag. Cover it with a towel before you apply it to your skin.

What are the symptoms of getting hit in the head?

Any peculiar symptoms that occur even weeks later should be documented. This includes nausea and vomiting. A normal CAT scan 24 hours after getting hit in the head doesn’t mean that bleeding in the brain won’t eventually occur.

If you don’t wish to go to the doctors but the symptoms are still there, please call an ambulance and ask for advice about it.