How long does trigger finger take to heal on its own?

How long does trigger finger take to heal on its own?

Trigger finger surgery heals in about 4 weeks with excellent results. Studies show that surgery has over a 90% success rate. Despite the success, doctors will take all steps to restore the finger first without surgery.

What happens to your hand after trigger finger surgery?

During trigger finger surgery recovery time and, since the hand is a sensitive part of your body, you may have mild to severe pain after surgery.

How long does it take for a trigger finger to heal?

People should keep a dressing on their finger for a few days following open surgery. After this, they must keep the wound clean, using mild soap and water. If a person has stitches, a medical professional may need to remove them after 2 to 3 weeks. Dissolvable stitches will dissolve within 3 weeks.

What to do with swelling after trigger finger surgery?

Use ice and keep your hand elevated throughout the healing process to ease swelling and relieve any pain. Take pain medication as needed. Prop your arm, wrist and hand on pillows for the first 24 hours after you arrive home to further reduce swelling and pain. Wiggle fingers often to help prevent stiffness.

When to get rid of the band aid after trigger finger surgery?

Two days later, you can get rid of the band aid and get it wet in the shower. You can get it wet in dishwater or a hot tub at usually 7 days after surgery. Use your hand gently, but it is exceedingly rare for someone to be able to open their incision. Gradually increase your activities.

During trigger finger surgery recovery time and, since the hand is a sensitive part of your body, you may have mild to severe pain after surgery.

What causes pain in the trigger finger of the finger?

A trigger finger is a condition of the flexor tendons of the finger and the A1 pulley 4. It results in pain and a clicking or triggering sensation of the finger after the finger is flexed. The finger cannot be extended and is locked in flexion.

How long does it take to get numbness out of hand after hand surgery?

You will have a small dressing on your palm, but not on your wrist or finger. You will be able to use your hand gently, even the day of surgery, but it could be numb for 8 to 24 hours. The dressing must be kept dry for five days, so you’ll have to use a plastic bag to shower.

Which is the best plastic surgeon for trigger finger surgery?

To minimize the chance of complications, speed your trigger finger surgery recovery and obtain the best surgical outcome, it is important to choose an experienced NJ reconstructive plastic surgeon. Trigger finger hand surgery takes place near important nerves that enable hand and finger movement, making microsurgical experience crucial.