How long does navel infection take to heal?

How long does navel infection take to heal?

With treatment, the cloudy discharge and pus should be gone in 2 to 3 days. The navel should become dry and healed by 7 days.

Why does my belly button smell after surgery?

Recent surgery to your abdomen, such as surgery to fix an umbilical hernia, can also increase the risk of infection in your belly button area. The skin near a belly button piercing can also develop an infection. Any time you create a hole in your skin, bacteria can get inside.

When to know if you have a navel infection?

Take your temperature to find out if you have a fever. As a navel infection worsens, you’ll likely contract a fever. While a fever alone may not mean you have a navel infection, an infection is possible if you have a fever in combination with other symptoms (such as a rash or discharge from your belly button).

What does it mean when your navel is red?

This is an especially common sign of a fungal navel infection. The infected, red skin will be itchy and occasionally painful. Resist the temptation to scratch the red, inflamed tissue, as this could cause the infection to spread or become worse.

What are the signs of a post surgery incision infection?

Post Surgery Incision Infection Signs. The major signs of a surgical site infection are pain, fever and changes in the appearance of the incision and surrounding skin. Infection after surgery can lead to more pain, prolonged time in the hospital, readmission to the hospital and, in rare cases, life-threatening illness.

Can a yeast infection cause discharge from the belly button?

Bacterial infections cause a foul-smelling discharge that can be yellow or green. You can also have swelling, pain, and a scab around your belly button. Yeast infection

Post Surgery Incision Infection Signs. The major signs of a surgical site infection are pain, fever and changes in the appearance of the incision and surrounding skin. Infection after surgery can lead to more pain, prolonged time in the hospital, readmission to the hospital and, in rare cases, life-threatening illness.

Bacterial infections cause a foul-smelling discharge that can be yellow or green. You can also have swelling, pain, and a scab around your belly button. Yeast infection

What are the symptoms of a belly button infection?

Other symptoms of an infection include: 1 fever 2 redness 3 tenderness in your abdomen 4 pain when you urinate

How to get rid of an infection after surgery?

This procedure involves: 1 Removing sutures or staples to open the wound 2 Testing the tissue and skin in the wound to identify an infection and the appropriate treatment 3 Removing infected and dead tissue 4 Rinsing the wound with a saline solution 5 Draining pus if present 6 Packing with a bandage and saline-soaked strips of dressing