How long does leg hurt after hip replacement?

How long does leg hurt after hip replacement?

If you feel like you are consistently at a 6 or more on a 1–10 pain scale, mention it to your doctor, because it could be a sign of infection or another complication. As you continue physical therapy, your pain levels should slowly decrease to about 1 or 2 in 12 weeks after the hip replacement.

Is thigh pain normal after hip replacement?

Introduction. Thigh pain after hip arthroplasty typically appears in the anterior thigh. Such pain reportedly occurs in approximately 3%-25% of cases and is more common in cases that used a cementless rather than a cemented stem [1-8]. Especially in cementless technique, initial stability is vital for biologic fixation …

Why is leg weak after hip replacement?

When muscles are not used, they become weak and do not perform well in supporting and moving the body. Your leg muscles are probably weak because you haven’t used them much due to your hip problems.

What causes high thigh pain after hip replacement?

I’m wanting some feedback on high thigh pain after a hip replacement. I am 68 years old (female) and am 10 weeks post op cement hip replacement due to severe arthritis.

Why do I have pain near my hip implant?

If your implant has come loose, though, it’s important to have that identified and fixed as soon as possible. As an implant loosens, it tends to rub against the bone. And that can cause bone loss, making the joint more difficult to repair. The pain also could be a result of hip flexor tendinitis, also known as psoas tendinitis.

Is it normal to have no pain after hip replacement?

It is natural to think that you will have no pain after your hip replacement surgery, but things may not work that smooth for some people. Pain after hip replacement is more common than you think.

Why are my legs longer after hip replacement?

Leg Length Discrepancy After Hip Replacement. During a hip replacement surgery, the ball and socket of the joint are replaced with an artificial implant, commonly made of metal and plastic. After hip replacement surgery, some patients notice one leg may be longer than the other, most commonly the leg that had surgery.

What causes hip pain after surgery?

In the case of ongoing pain after hip replacement surgery, the pain could be caused by irritation to the sciatic nerve, either from the lumbar spine or as a result of the hip replacement surgery.

How long does thigh pain last after hip replacement?

Bert Thomas, MD, an orthopedic surgeon, says on his site that thigh pain can occur for 18-24 months after the surgery in the cases of cementless hip replacements – “until the implant is securely locked in place by bone growth,” he says. “This pain can be expected to be minimal and can be ignored.”

Can a hip replacement cause sciatic nerve pain?

Even someone who has had the spine fused and both hips replaced can still experience pain. In the case of ongoing pain after hip replacement surgery, the pain could be caused by irritation to the sciatic nerve, either from the lumbar spine or as a result of the hip replacement surgery.

Can a blood clot cause hip replacement pain?

“A blood clot (deep venous thrombophlebitis) could cause pain in the thigh or leg three months after a hip replacement. Blood clot “It’s unlikely but not unheard of, and in fact, we often keep patients on baby aspirin for three months after surgery on the lower extremity.